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词汇 pose
pose | BrE pəʊz, AmE poʊz | A. intransitive verb (for photograph, painting) 摆姿势 bǎi zīshì to pose for one's portrait 为画像摆好姿势 to pose for sb; (for photograph) 摆好姿势让某人照相 (for painting) 摆好姿势让某人画像 (masquerade) 假装 jiǎzhuāng to pose as sb; 冒充某人 derogatory (posture) 装腔作势 zhuāng qiāng zuò shì B. transitive verb (present) 构成 gòuchéng problem, challenge, threat (ask, put forward) 提出 tíchū question, concept Art 使摆好姿势 shǐ bǎihǎo zīshì C. noun (position, manner) 姿势 zīshì to adopt a pose 摆出一种姿势 derogatory (affected or deceiving behaviour) 故作姿态 gù zuò zītài it's all a pose informal 这完全是装腔作势 to strike a pose 装模作样




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