

词汇 offer
offer | BrE ˈɒfə, AmE ˈɔfər,ˈɑfər | A. transitive verb (propose) 提出 tíchū suggestion, opinion, resignationto offer (sb) advice (给某人)提出劝告 to have something/nothing to offer 有/无话要说 I have nothing to offer 我无可奉告 to offer to do sth; 主动提出做某事 to offer to cook dinner 主动提出做正餐 ‘I'll do it,’she offered “这个我来做吧,”她提议道 (proffer) 主动提供 zhǔdòng tígōng job, place, help; 给予 jǐyǔ friendship, affectionto offer sb a drink 请某人喝一杯 to offer sb a big salary 给某人高薪 to offer a reward (for sth) (为某事物)提供奖赏 to offer one's seat to sb 给某人让座 to offer a big reduction 开展大降价 to be offered a post at Oxford 得到在牛津大学的一个职位 (provide) «idea, job» 提供 tígōng advantage, prospectsto offer protection from the rain «place» 挡雨 to offer shade «tree» 遮阴 this vest offers protection against bullets 这件背心有防弹功能 to offer easy access to the beach «house, location» 去海滩很方便 a hotel offering excellent facilities 设施一流的酒店 a town with a lot to offer (to) visitors 让游客流连忘返的城镇 formal (possess) 具备 jùbèi qualification, experienceto offer at least one foreign language «candidate» 至少懂一门外语 (present) 作出 zuòchū resistance, defence (sell) 出售 chūshòu merchandiseto offer sth for sale 出售某物 Finance 开出 kāichū to offer £50 for sth 出价50英镑买某物 Religion = offer upB. intransitive verb 自愿提出 zìyuàn tíchū C. reflexive verb to offer oneself (volunteer) 自告奋勇 zì gào fènyǒng to offer itself (present) 出现 chūxiàn if the opportunity/occasion offers itself … 如果机会来了/时机到了… rúguǒ jīhuì lái le/shíjī dào le… D. noun countable (proposal) 提议 tíyì a peace offer 和平倡议 to make (sb) an offer (向某人)提出建议 to agree to/accept an offer 同意/接受提议 to decline or refuse or reject an offer 拒绝提议 countable (act of proffering) 提供 tígōng to accept/reject an offer of sth; 接受/拒绝某物的主动提供 an offer of marriage 求婚 an offer of a job, a job offer 工作机会的提供 offers of help/mediation 主动提出的帮助/调解 an offer to do sth; 主动提出做某事 countable Finance 出价 chūjià a firm offer 实盘 a reasonable/tempting offer 合理的/诱人的报价 to make (sb) an offer (给某人)出价 to agree to or accept an offer 同意/接受出价 to decline or refuse or reject an offer 不接受出价 to be open to offers 开价可以商量 under offer 已有买主出价 uncountable and countable (promotion) 优惠价 yōuhuìjià on offer 特价出售 a free offer 免费赠品 uncountable on offer (available) 供出售 gōng chūshòu what do you have on offer? 你有什么可卖的? PHRASAL VERB offer up transitive verb [offer sth up, offer up sth] (mainly Religion) (present) 奉献 fèngxiàn sacrifice, giftto offer up one's life for a cause 为事业献身 Religion (utter) 虔诚地表达 qiánchéng de biǎodá thanksprayers were offered up for his safety 为他的平安做了祈祷




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