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词汇 OK
OK1 | BrE əʊˈkeɪ, AmE ˌoʊˈkeɪ | informal A. exclamation (in agreement) [表示同意或接受]let's go! — OK 我们走吧!──好的 OK, OK, I give in 好,好,我让步 (seeking consensus) [表示征求同意]I'm going now, OK? 我要走了,好吗? (seeking information) [用于了解情况]OK, what's going on here? 那么,这里出什么事了? (introducing topic) [用于引出话题]OK, turn to page 26 好,翻到第26页 B. adjective (all right) 尚可的 shàng kě de job, party, food, behaviourthe music was OK 音乐还可以 lunch was OK 午饭还行 he's OK as a plumber 他是个不错的水管工 is my hair OK? 我的发型可以吗? the fit's OK, but … 衣服还算合身,但是… he's an OK guy 他这个人不错 predicative (fine) 良好的 liánghǎo de everything's OK 一切都好 are you OK for money? 你的钱够吗? I'm OK for time: let's have a coffee 我有时间:我们喝杯咖啡吧 predicative (well) 身体好的 shēntǐ hǎo de are you OK? 你没事吧? how are you? — OK 你好吗?──很好 to feel OK after a rest 休息过后感觉好起来了 predicative (permissible) 可行的 kěxíng de it's OK/not OK to do sth 可以/不可以做某事 to be OK by or with sb; 对某人而言是可以的 it's OK by me if you want to go 如果你想走,我没意见 is it OK if I go? 我走可以吗? C. adverb 不错地 bùcuò de to manage perfectly OK 做得非常出色 to work OK «computer, appliance» 工作正常 D. transitive verb present participle OK'ing past tense, past participle OK'd 批准 pīzhǔn request, documentE. noun singular the /one's OK; 许可 xǔkě to get the/sb's OK for sth 获得某事的许可/某人对某事的许可 huòdé mǒu shì de xǔkě/mǒu rén duì mǒu shì de xǔkě to give the or one's OK (to sth/to do sth) 同意(某事/做某事) tóngyì(mǒu shì/zuò mǒu shì)




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