

词汇 mount
mount | BrE maʊnt, AmE maʊnt | Mount Rushmore A. transitive verb (ascend) 登上 dēng shang stairs, hill, stage; 骑上 qí shang horse, bicycleto mount the throne 登上王位 to mount the pavement «car» 驶上人行道 (fix in place) 把…装框 bǎ… zhuāng kuàng picture; 镶嵌 xiāngqiàn gem; 把…固定于载片 bǎ… gùdìng yú zàipiàn specimento mount sth on or on to/in sth; 把某物镶嵌到某物上/内 (support) 安装 ānzhuāng machineto mount sth with sth; 把某物安装在某物上 figurative (set up, hold) 发起 fāqǐ campaign, challenge, attack; 举行 jǔxíng exhibition, performance, raidto mount checkpoints 设立检查站 to mount guard (at or over sb/sth) 设岗(守卫某人/某物) Zoology 趴到…身上交配 pādào… shēn shang jiāopèi female animal, female birdB. intransitive verb (rise) «blush, blood» 上涌 shàngyǒng a blush/the blood mounted to her cheeks 她的脸颊上浮起一片红晕/血涌上她的脸颊 Riding 上马 shàngmǎ (increase in size) «number, debt, costs» 增加 zēngjiā ; «temperature, prices, unemployment» 上升 shàngshēng to mount to sth; 增加到某一数目 (increase in intensity) «concern, tension, excitement» 加剧 jiājù ; «interest» 增强 zēngqiáng Zoology «male mammal, male bird» 趴到身上交配 pādào shēn shang jiāopèi C. noun (mountain) shān Mount Etna/Everest 埃特纳山/珠穆朗玛峰 (backing) (for picture) kuàng ; (for gem, coin) 托板 tuōbǎn ; (for stamp) 护邮袋 hùyóudài ; (for transparency, specimen) 载片 zàipiàn (support) (for machine, engine, camera) 底座 dǐzuò ; (for gun) 炮架 pào jià (horse) 坐骑 zuòqí PHRASAL VERB mount up intransitive verb «costs, savings, debts» 增加 zēngjiā




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