

词汇 mouthful
mouthful | BrE ˈmaʊθfʊl,ˈmaʊθf(ə)l, AmE ˈmaʊθˌfʊl | noun (of food or drink) 一满口 yī mǎn kǒu a mouthful/mouthfuls of sth; 一大口/几大口某物 to eat/swallow sth in a or one mouthful 一口吃下/吞下某物 informal (abuse) 指责 zhǐzé to give sb a mouthful; 大骂某人 to get or take or receive a mouthful; 被骂了一顿 a mouthful of obscenities/curses 一连串的脏话/咒骂 informal (word that is difficult to pronounce) 长而拗口的词 cháng ér àokǒu de cí ; (name that is difficult to pronounce) 长而难念的名字 cháng ér nán niàn de míngzi




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