词汇 | move |
释义 | move | BrE muːv, AmE muv | A. intransitive verb ① (shift position) «vehicle, equipment, person, animal, body part» 移动 ; «wheel, machine» 转动 ; «current, fluid, gas» 流动 ; «tree, branch» 摇动 ▸ to move up and down «lever, handle» 上下移动 ▸ to move on wheels/rails 靠轮子/滑轨移动 ▸ his fingers moved over the keys 他的手指在键盘上移动 ▸ don't move! 不许动! ▸ you'll have to move, I need this chair 你得起来,我要用这把椅子 ② (go forward) «person, animal, traffic, troops» 行进 ▸ to keep sb/sth moving 使某人/某物继续前进 ▸ move aside! 让开! ▸ it's time we were moving informal 我们该走了 ▸ that horse/car can move! informal 那匹马/那辆车速度真快! ▸ to move into third place 上升到第三位 ▸ to move into the lead 开始领先 ③ (carry oneself) «person, animal» 走动 ▸ how gracefully she moves 她走起路来真优雅 ▸ to move in high society figurative 出入上流社会 ④ (change residence) «person, family» 搬家 ; «business» 迁移 ▸ to move away 搬走 ▸ to move to or into/out of sth; 搬进/搬出某处 ▸ when the firm moved, I moved too 公司迁址的时候我也随迁了 ⑤ (make progress) «work» 进展 ▸ things are starting to move on the job front 找工作的情况开始有进展 ▸ to get sth/things moving; 使某事/情况有进展 ▸ to move ahead in the opinion polls 在民意测验中领先 ⑥ (change job) 调动工作 ▸ to move to head office 调到总部工作 ▸ to move sideways 平级调动 ⑦ (change, develop) «person, society, views» 转变 ▸ to move to the right/left «opinion» 变得右倾/左倾 ▸ to move into the final stage «project» 进入最后阶段 ▸ to move into a new era 进入新时代 ▸ to move over to 转而采用 ‹new method, system›▸ events moved rapidly 事情变化很快 ▸ she won't move once she's made up her mind 她一旦拿定主意就不会改变 ▸ to move away from one's original position 偏离最初的立场 ▸ to move with the times 与时俱进 ▸ to move apart figurative «friends» 分手 ⑧ (act) «person, organization, government» 采取行动 ▸ to move on sth; 针对某事采取措施 ▸ to move on the issue 采取措施应对这一问题 ▸ to move to do sth; 着手做某事 ▸ to move against sb/sth; 采取对付某人/某事物的措施 ⑨ Games «player, piece» 走 ▸ to move diagonally 走对角 ▸ have you moved? — I moved there 你走棋了吗?──我走到那里了 ⑩ ▸ (propose) to move for sth; 提出 ‹amendment, adjournment›⑪ (sell) «goods» 售出 ▸ to move fast «product» 卖得快 B. transitive verb ① (set in motion) «person, force» 移动 ‹body part, object›▸ to move one's toes 动一下脚趾 ▸ I can't move my leg/the screw 我动不了腿/拧不动螺丝 ▸ to move one's arms/neck around 活动胳膊/脖子 ▸ to move one's head from side to side 左右摆动头部 ▸ the force that moves that wheel/the solar system 驱动那个轮子/太阳系的力量 ▸ to move one's bowels 排便 ② (change location of) 搬走 ‹object›▸ who moved my books? 谁动了我的书? ▸ someone moved my marker 有人动了我的记号笔 ▸ he's too ill to be moved 他病得太重,不能动地方 ▸ to move sb to another hospital 把某人转到另一个医院 ▸ to move sth off the table/chair 把某物从桌子/椅子上拿下来 ▸ to move sth into the room/closer to the window 把某物搬进屋子/搬得离窗户近一些 ▸ to move sth upstairs/downstairs 把某物搬上楼/搬下楼 ▸ to move the tables together 把桌子拼起来 ▸ to move the decimal point 移动小数点 ③ (shift to one side, budge) 挪走 ‹object, body part›▸ to move sth to one side 把某物挪到一边 ▸ to move sth out of the way 挪开某物 ▸ to move the curtain aside 拉开窗帘 ▸ move your legs out of the way 把你的腿挪开 ▸ to move sth further down/up the list 把某物挪到名单更靠下/更靠上的位置 ④ (transport) 运送 ‹goods, freight›; Military (send) 调集 ‹troops›▸ to move equipment to a new site 把设备运到新工地 ▸ to move artillery across the river 把炮兵调到河对岸 ⑤ (to new job, location) 调换 ‹staff, job›; «firm» 迁移 ‹office›▸ to be moved to a new job 被调去做新工作 ▸ to move jobs British 调换工作 ▸ to move headquarters to New York 把总部迁到纽约 ⑥ (to new residence) 搬 ‹home, furniture›▸ to move house «person, family» 搬家 ▸ a local firm moved us 一家本地公司为我们搬了家 ⑦ (affect) «words, appearance, plight» 打动 ‹person, crowd›▸ to move sb to tears 使某人感动得流泪 ▸ to be moved by sth/sb; 被某事物/某人打动 ▸ to be (deeply) moved by the experience 被这次经历(深深)感动 ▸ to be moved to anger 被激怒 ▸ to be moved to pity by sb's plea 被某人的恳求感动而产生恻隐之心 ▸ to be moved to laughter 被逗得大笑起来 ⑧ (motivate) 驱使 ▸ to move sb to do sth; 促使某人做某事 ▸ I was moved to act by her letter 她的来信促使我采取了行动 ▸ to feel moved to speak out/protest 不由得想站出来反对/抗议 ▸ when the spirit moves me humorous 我有兴致时 ⑨ Games 走 ‹piece›⑩ (propose) 提出 ‹resolution, adjournment›▸ to move that …; 提议… ▸ I move that the matter be put to the vote 我提议将此事付诸表决 ⑪ (sell) 售出 ‹product›▸ stock that we haven't been able to move 我们卖不掉的存货 C. noun ① (movement) 动作 ▸ to watch sb's every move 观察某人的一举一动 ▸ one false move and you're dead! 别乱动,不然要你的命! ▸ to make a move (towards sth) (向某处)走去 ▸ to make no move 不采取行动 ② (shift in location, line of business) 移动 ▸ it's time we were making a move British 我们该走了 ▸ a company's move into electronics 公司向电子业的转移 ▸ to get a move on informal 赶快 ③ (change) (of residence) 搬家 ; (of business premises) 迁移 ; (of job) 调动 ▸ they are here to help with the move 他们来帮忙搬家 ▸ to make the move from A to B 从A迁到B ▸ she's due for a move 她该调换工作了 ④ ▸ (state of moving) to be on the move; 在行进 ▸ to be always on the move 不停奔波 ▸ the circus is on the move again 马戏团又开始四处演出了 ▸ a society on the move figurative 不断发展的社会 ⑤ Games 一步棋 ▸ a clever/silly move 一步妙棋/蠢棋 ▸ it's your move 该你走棋了 ▸ white has the first move 白棋先走 ⑥ (step, act) 行动 ▸ a good/bad/clever move 好的/坏的/聪明的举措 ▸ to make a move 采取行动 ▸ to make the first/the next move 抢先行动/采取下一步行动 ▸ a move to do sth; 做某事的措施 ▸ in a move to cut off the enemy's retreat … 在切断敌人退路的行动中… D. to move oneself reflexive verb informal ① ▸ (hurry up) move yourself! 快一点! ▸ tell them to move themselves 告诉他们快点 ② ▸ (move aside) move yourself — I can't get through! 让开──我过不去了! PHRASAL VERBS move about, move around A. intransitive verb ① (shift position) 走动 ▸ to keep moving about 不停地四处走动 ▸ there's someone moving about upstairs 楼上有人在走动 ▸ to have plenty of space or room to move about in 有足够的活动空间 ▸ to move about in the socket «plug» 松动 ② (change residence) «person, family» 搬家 ▸ to move about a lot 经常搬家 B. [move sth about] transitive verb ① (change position of) 移动 ▸ to move the furniture/pictures about 重新摆放家具/这些画 ▸ to move the cursor about with the mouse 用鼠标把光标移来移去 ▸ to move the aerial about 转动天线 ② (assign to different job) 调动 ‹employee, staff›▸ to get moved about quite a bit 经常调动工作 C. [move about sth] transitive verb ① (change position in or on) 在…周围来回走动 ‹floor, space›▸ to move freely about the stage 随意地在舞台上四处走动 ② (change residence in) 在…内搬来搬去 ‹country, region›move along A. intransitive verb ① (not loiter) 不停留 ▸ the police officer told us to move along 警官告诉我们不要停留 ② (squeeze up) 挤紧 ▸ move along! 挤一挤! ▸ to move along a couple of places 往里挤几个位置 ③ (keep going) «person, traffic, parade» 继续前行 ④ figurative (progress) «work, process» 进行 ▸ things are moving along nicely 事情进展顺利 B. [move sb/sth along] transitive verb ① (prevent from loitering) 使不逗留 ▸ the police moved the crowd along 警察命令人群不得逗留 ▸ to move the traffic along 让车辆往前走 ② (change position of) 移动 ▸ to move sth along to the right 把某物往右边移 ▸ to move the pile along the shelf 把那堆东西沿着搁板推过去 C. [move along sth] transitive verb 沿着…移动 ▸ to move along a track «train» 沿着轨道前进 ▸ his fingers moved along the line/keys 他的手指沿着线条/键盘滑动 move around A. intransitive verb = move about AB. transitive verb ① = move about B, C② [move around sth] (circle) 绕着…环行 ▸ to move around the sun 绕着太阳旋转 move away A. intransitive verb ① (change residence) «family, shop» 搬走 ▸ to move away from … 从…搬走 ‹area, city›② (leave scene) 离开 ▸ to move away from … 从…离开 ‹place›B. transitive verb [move sb/sth away, move away sb/sth] 移开 move back A. intransitive verb ① (go backwards) 后退 ; «troops» 撤退 ▸ move back to let me pass 后退一步让我过去 ▸ to move back a space 后退一个空格 ② (return) «person» 回来 ; «mechanism» 复位 ; (to old residence, office) 搬回来 ▸ to move back to the window 回到窗前 ▸ to move back to London 把家搬回伦敦 ③ (be postponed) «date, meeting» 推迟 B. transitive verb [move sth/sb back, move back sth/sb] ① (shift backwards) 后移 ‹object›; 让…后退 ‹crowd, line›▸ to move sth back a bit/a metre 把某物向后移一点/移动一米 ▸ move your troops back behind the ridge 让你的部队退到山脊后面 ② (return) 把…搬回来 ‹object›; 把…调回 ‹person›▸ to move sth back (to) where it was (before) 把某物搬回原处 ▸ to be moved back to headquarters/London 被调回总部/伦敦 ③ (postpone) 推迟 ‹date, meeting›▸ to be moved back to April 被推迟到4月 move down A. intransitive verb ① (in list, hierarchy) «person» 排到底下 ; Sport «team, player» 成绩下滑 ▸ to move down a class British «pupil» 降一年级 ▸ to move down to number 5 in the charts «CD, DVD, performer» 下降到排行榜第5位 ▸ to move down three places/to rank number 9 排名下降3位/到第9位 ▸ to move down to the second division 降为乙级 ② Finance (decrease) «stocks, index» 下跌 ▸ to move down two points 下跌两点 ③ (squeeze up) «person» 挤紧 ▸ to move down a couple of places 往里挤几个位置 ▸ move down, please 请往里面走 B. transitive verb [move sb/sth down] (demote) 使…降职 ‹employee›; Sport 使…排名下降 ‹team, player›▸ to move sb down (a class) British 让…降(一年)级 ‹pupil›move forward A. intransitive verb ① (advance) «person, vehicle» 前行 ; «army, troops» 前进 ▸ to move forward to get a better view 走到前面以便看得更清楚 ▸ to move forward to attack 冲上前去攻击 ② (develop) «person, society, thinking, events» 进步 ③ (be brought forward) «date, meeting» 提前 B. transitive verb [move sb/sth forward, move forward sb/sth] ① (bring or send to front) 使…前进 ‹players, troops›▸ to move forward three infantry divisions 让3个步兵师向前开进 ▸ United need to move their men forward more 曼联队需要让球员再往前压 ② (bring forward) 把…提前 ‹date, meeting›▸ to be moved forward to July 被提前到7月 move in A. intransitive verb ① (to house, flat, etc.) 入住 ▸ he helped me move in 他帮我搬入新居 ▸ to move in on sb informal 擅自搬进来和…同住 ‹friend(s), family›▸ the whole family moved in on me for Christmas 全家人都赶来和我一起过圣诞节 ▸ to move in with sb; 搬来和某人同住 ▸ he's moved in with me temporarily 他暂时搬来和我同住 ▸ to move in together; (live together) 同居 (share bedroom) 共用一室 ② (advance) «police, army» 冲进来 ▸ to move in and surround 冲进来包围 ‹building›▸ to move in and clear the site «crew, bulldozer» 进来清理场地 ▸ to move in on sb/sth; «army, police» 逼近 ‹crowd, site›▸ the troops are moving in on their objective 部队正在逼近目标 ③ (intervene) «person, government, firm» 插手 ; «referee, police» 干预 ▸ to move in and buy up shares 介入并买下全部股份 ▸ to move in on sth; «gang, company» 插手控制 ‹racket, market›▸ to move in on a deal 争抢一笔生意 B. transitive verb [move sb/sth in, move in sb/sth] (into house, flat, etc.) 使…迁入新居 ‹person, family›; 把…搬进去 ‹furniture›▸ he helped to move me in 他帮我搬入新居 move off intransitive verb «parade, vehicle, troops» 出发 move on A. intransitive verb ① (proceed) «person, vehicle» 继续前进 ; «traveller, nomadic tribe» 继续迁移 ; «time» 流逝 ▸ I'd better be moving on 我该走了 ▸ time is moving on quickly 时间过得真快 ▸ we've already discussed that item, so let's move on 那一项已经讨论过了,我们谈下一个问题吧 ▸ to move on to; 转换到 ‹topic› 向…进发 ‹new place›▸ to move on to a new job 换一个新的工作 ▸ to move on to the next topic/another question 谈下一个话题/另一个问题 ▸ let's move on to deal with the next item 我们接着处理下一项吧 ② (not loiter) = move along A1③ (develop) «place, art form, society» 取得进步 ▸ ballet has moved on 芭蕾舞艺术有了发展 ▸ to deal with a trauma and move on 抚平创伤向前看 B. transitive verb [move sb/sth on] ① (prevent from loitering) = move along B1② (move forward) 加快…的进度 ‹discussion, work›▸ let's try and move things on a bit 我们想办法抓紧一点吧 move out A. intransitive verb ① (leave house, flat, etc.) 搬出 ▸ his wife moved out 他妻子搬出去住了 ▸ move out of; 搬出 ‹house, flat, office›② US informal (depart) 出发 ▸ let's move out! 出发! B. transitive verb [move sb/sth out, move out sb/sth] «authorities» 使…迁出 ‹tenant›; «person» 把…搬出去 ‹furniture›▸ to move sb/sth out of sth; 把某人迁出/把某物搬出 ‹building, area›▸ to move residents out of the tenements 把住户从公寓迁出 ▸ the troops are being moved out of the border area 部队正在撤出边境地区 move over A. intransitive verb ① (move aside) 挪开 ; figurative 让位 ▸ to move over a bit 挪过去一点 ▸ to move over and let someone else take the responsibility 让位给别人来当负责人 ▸ to move over and make way for a new generation 给新一代让路 ② ▸ to move over to sth (change to) 转变到 ‹alternative›▸ to move over to digital/gas 改用数字设备/煤气 ▸ to move over to another supplier «company» 换一家供应商 B. transitive verb [move sth/sb over] 挪动 ‹object, person›▸ to move sth over to the left 把某物向左挪 move up A. intransitive verb ① (shift forward) 向前挪动 ▸ move up and make room for me 挪动一下给我腾出地方 ▸ to move up a bit nearer to the front 往前面挪一点 ▸ to move up a few places 向前挪几个位置 ② (in list, hierarchy) «person» 升级 ; Sport «team, player» 成绩提高 ; British «pupil» 升高一年级 ▸ to move up to second in the charts «CD, DVD, performer» 上升到排行榜第2位 ▸ to be moved up to a managerial post/the position of director 被提升到管理岗位/经理职位 ▸ he moved up three places/into second place 他的排名上升了3位/上升到第2位 ▸ to move up into the first division 升到甲级 ▸ to move up in the world informal 飞黄腾达 ③ Finance (increase) «stocks, index» 上升 ▸ to move up two points 升高两点 B. transitive verb [move sb up] (promote) 使…晋升 ‹employee›; Sport 使…排名提高 ‹team, player›▸ to move sb up (a class) British 让…升(高一年)级 ‹pupil› |
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