

词汇 move along
move along A. intransitive verb (not loiter) 不停留 bù tíngliú the police officer told us to move along 警官告诉我们不要停留 (squeeze up) 挤紧 jǐjǐn move along! 挤一挤! to move along a couple of places 往里挤几个位置 (keep going) «person, traffic, parade» 继续前行 jìxù qiánxíng figurative (progress) «work, process» 进行 jìnxíng things are moving along nicely 事情进展顺利 B. [move sb/sth along] transitive verb (prevent from loitering) 使不逗留 shǐ bù dòuliú the police moved the crowd along 警察命令人群不得逗留 to move the traffic along 让车辆往前走 (change position of) 移动 yídòng to move sth along to the right 把某物往右边移 to move the pile along the shelf 把那堆东西沿着搁板推过去 C. [move along sth] transitive verb 沿着…移动 yánzhe… yídòng to move along a track «train» 沿着轨道前进 his fingers moved along the line/keys 他的手指沿着线条/键盘滑动




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