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词汇 look
look | BrE lʊk, AmE lʊk | A. intransitive verb (direct one's eyes) kàn I waved at you, but you weren't looking 我向你挥手,可你却没注意 oh, look! 哦,瞧! look (over) there! 瞧那儿! to look along/around/down/up/over sth; 顺着某物看/往某物四周看/顺某物往下看/顺某物往上看/往某物远处看 to look into sb's eyes 直视某人的眼睛 to look over sb's shoulder 越过某人的肩膀看去 he looked over his shoulder 他回头看 I looked up and down the street 我仔细打量这条街 to look down one's nose at sb/sth 看不起某人/某事物 to look on the bright side 抱乐观态度 to look the other way literal 往另一边看 figurative 装作没看见 zhuāngzuò méi kànjian (search) 寻找 xúnzhǎo he looked everywhere for his keys 他到处找他的钥匙 to look in the dictionary 查词典 (face) «building, window» 朝向 cháoxiàng the balcony looks north/over the garden 阳台朝北/俯瞰花园 to look on to sth; 面向某物 (intend) 打算 dǎsuàn to be looking to do sth; 正试图做某事 (appear, seem) «person, thing» 看起来 kànqilai to look one's age 相貌与年龄相符 you look very good in blue 你穿蓝色衣服真好看 to look well 看起来气色很好 how did he look? 他气色如何? to look one's best 表现出最佳状态 to look the part (seem appropriate) 看上去得体 (dress appropriately) 穿着得体 you look a complete idiot in that hat 你戴上那顶帽子样子傻透了 does the meat look done to you? 你觉得肉煮熟了吗? to look bad 看起来糟糕 it'll look very bad if … 如果…,那就显得很糟糕了 to look good; (beautiful) 漂亮 (successful) 顺利 (attractive) 诱人 it doesn't look as if … 看起来不像是… it looks (to me) as if or as though …; (在我)看来似乎 they look to be gaining on us 他们似乎快要追上我们了 there looks to be more trouble in store 似乎要有更多的麻烦了 look alive! 快点! look sharp or smart or snappy! 赶快! look sharp about it! 赶快! B. transitive verb (gaze, stare) 注视 zhùshì to look sb (straight) in the eye; 直视某人 I'll never be able to look her in the face again figurative 我永远都无法再面对她了 to look sb up and down; 上下打量某人 to look one's last on sth 看某物最后一眼 (pay attention) 注意 zhùyì look what you're doing with that knife 瞧你是怎么用那把刀的 if you don't look where you're going, … 如果你走路不留神,… look who's here! 看谁来了! look what arrived in the post this morning 注意今天上午的邮件 C. exclamation (attracting attention) look! 喂! wèi ! (protesting) (now) look here! 听着! tīngzhe ! D. noun (act of looking) kàn the church is worth a look 这个教堂值得一看 one last look and then we must go 我们最后看一眼就得走了 to have or take a look at sb/sth; 看看某物/某人 to have or take another look/a good look at sb/sth; 再看一眼/好好看看某物/某人 to get a good look at sb/sth; 看清楚某物/某人 to take one look at sb/sth; 看某物/某人一眼 to take a quick look at sth; 瞥一眼某物 to have or take a look around (sth); (在某处)四处看看 to have or take a look inside/outside (sth/somewhere); 在(某物/某处)里面/外面看看 to have or take a look through; 用…观看 telescope, binocularsto take a look ahead to next week's programmes; 看看下星期的节目预告 to have a quick look through sth; 迅速翻阅某物 I had a look in the newspaper 报纸我看过了 to give sth a look; 检查某物 (search) 寻找 xúnzhǎo to have a look for sth/sb; 寻找某物/某人 we've had several looks 我们已经找过好几遍了 to take another look/a look around; 再找一次/四下寻找 to have a good look through sth; 仔细翻检某物 (facial expression) 表情 biǎoqíng a look of fear/anger/amusement 恐惧/愤怒/愉悦的表情 a kind/questioning/penetrating look 和善/疑问/犀利的目光 to give sb a look of …; 以…的目光看某人 disdain, disbeliefto get some odd or funny looks 被人投以奇怪的目光 he gave me an odd look 他神情古怪地看了我一眼 he had a malicious look in his eye 他眼带凶光 if looks could kill … 如果眼神可以杀人… (appearance) (of person) 外貌 wàimào ; (of thing) 外观 wàiguān he had a look of profound melancholy about him 他显得十分忧郁 he has the look of a military man 他长得像个军人 the look typical of a psychotic 典型的精神病患者的样子 to like the look(s) of sb/sth; 喜欢某人/某物的样子 I don't like the look of that 我感觉不妙 by or from the look(s) of sb; 从某人的外表看 by or from the look(s) of it; 看样子 you can't go or judge by looks 不能仅凭外表判断 (fashion) 款式 kuǎnshì the look for men 男装的款式 E. looks plural noun 容貌 róngmào good looks 美貌 to keep/lose one's looks 容颜不改/不再 PHRASAL VERBS look after transitive verb [look after sb/sth] (care for) 看护 kānhù invalid; 养护 yǎnghù equipment, possessions; 招待 zhāodài guestslook after yourself! 保重! (be responsible for) 照管 zhàoguǎn child, pet, business, suitcase; 保管 bǎoguǎn moneyto look after sth for sb; 为某人照看某物 to look after the shop/house 看店/看房子 to look after sb's interests 维护某人的利益 (attend to) 处理 chǔlǐ financial matters, legal business; 解决 jiějué needsto look after customer enquiries 处理客户咨询 look ahead intransitive verb 为将来打算 wèi jiānglái dǎsuàn to look ahead to sth; 为某事物做打算 to be looking ahead four years 为今后的4年作打算 look around A. intransitive verb (turn one's head) 四下看 sìxià kàn (search) 四处寻找 sìchù xúnzhǎo to look around for sb/sth 四处寻找某人/某事物 (view) 四处看看 sìchù kànkàn I'd just like to look around, please 哦,我只是想随便看看 B. transitive verb [look around sth] 参观 cānguān building, town, exhibitionlook at transitive verb [look at sth] (observe) kàn look at the mess/you! 瞧瞧这一堆乱摊子/你自己! to look at sb doing or do sth; 看某人做某事的样子 he's a wrestler, but you'd never think it to look at him 他是摔跤手,但是看他的样子你怎么都想不到 she's not much or she's nothing to look at 她相貌平平 (glance briefly at) 浏览 liúlǎn newspaper, report(consider) 考虑 kǎolǜ problem, implications, proposallook at where she is now/what happened to her! 想想她现在在哪儿吧/她的遭遇吧! (regard) 看待 kàndài life, situation, eventlook at it this way 这样看这件事 looked at another way, … 换个角度看,… look back intransitive verb (look behind one) 回头看 huítóu kàn to look back at sth/sb; 回头看某物/某人 since then he's never looked back figurative 自那以后,他的事业蒸蒸日上 (reflect, reminisce) 回顾 huígù to look back on/to sth; 回顾某事 look down intransitive verb 向下看 xiàng xià kàn to look down at sth; 向下看某物 (dominate) «fortress, tower» 俯瞰 fǔkàn town, valley(despise) 小看 xiǎokàn to look down on sth/sb; 轻视某事物/某人 look for transitive verb [look for sb/sth] (search for) 寻找 xúnzhǎo person, object, opportunity(expect) 期待 qīdài result, promise, commitmentlook forward: intransitive verb to look forward to sth; 期待 qīdài event, reunion, visitI look forward to hearing from you soon (in letter) 我希望能很快收到你的回信 look in intransitive verb (peer) 往里面看 wǎng lǐmian kàn to look in at the window/through a crack 在窗边/从一条缝隙往里面看 (pay a short call) to look in at a place; 短暂拜访某处 duǎnzàn bàifǎng mǒu chù we could look in at Sarah's/at the library on the way 我们可顺便去萨拉家/图书馆 to look in on sb/sth; 短暂拜访某人/某处 duǎnzàn bàifǎng mǒu rén/mǒu chù I'll look in on you later 我晚些时候再来找你 look into transitive verb [look into sth] 调查 diàochá cause, case, problemto look into sb's accounts/financial position 审查某人的账目/财务状况 look like transitive verb [look like sb/sth] 看似 kānsì what does he/it look like? 他长/它是什么样子? he doesn't look at all like his father 他一点都不像他父亲 that looks very much like my wallet 那看起来很像是我的钱包 it looks to me like a forgery 我看它像是赝品 are you having trouble? — what does it look like? 你有麻烦吗?──看着像吗? it looks like rain 看来要下雨 looks like trouble, I'm afraid 恐怕有麻烦 you look like being the only man here 你好像是这里唯一的男人 look on A. transitive verb [look on sb/sth] 看待 kàndài they looked on her with the deepest suspicion 他们对她充满怀疑 to look on sb/sth as …; 视某人/某事物为… they looked on him as ideal for the job 他们认为他是这份工作的理想人选 B. intransitive verb 旁观 pángguān we did all the work, while they looked on 我们做了所有工作,他们只是袖手旁观 we will not sit back and look on while our allies are attacked 我们的盟友受袭时,我们不会坐着袖手旁观 look out A. intransitive verb (take care) 注意 zhùyì look out! 当心! look out behind you! 当心身后! they'd better look out 他们最好当心点 to look out for sth; 当心某事物 (keep watch) 留意寻找 liúyì xúnzhǎo to look out for sb/sth; 留心寻觅某人/某物 (stare, gaze) 向外看 xiàng wài kàn we could look out over the town 我们可以向外俯瞰全城 to look out of sth; 从某物向外望 she was looking out of an upstairs window 她正从楼上窗户向外看 B. transitive verb [look out sth] British 找出 zhǎochū back numbers, old clothesto look sth out for sb; 为某人找出某物 look over transitive verb [look over sth, look sth over] 浏览 liúlǎn essay, reportlook round intransitive or transitive verb British = look aroundlook through: transitive verb [look through sth, look sth through] (read through quickly) 浏览 liúlǎn book, script, notes[look through sth] (search) 在…中查找 zài… zhōng cházhǎo cupboards, drawers; 翻查 fānchá files, recordsI've looked through my wardrobe 我在衣柜里找过了 we've looked through the accounts for that year 我们查过那年的账了 [look through sb] (ignore) 无视 wúshì personlook to: transitive verb [look to sb] (rely on) 指望 zhǐwang to look to sb/sth for sth; 指望从某人/某事物处取得某物 to look to sb/sth to do sth; 指望某人/某事物做某事 people look to us for advice 人们希望从我们这里得到建议 [look to sth] formal (take care of) 注意 zhùyì a sovereign nation must look to its own defences 一个主权国必须确保自己的国防安全 look up A. intransitive verb (direct gaze) 抬头看 táitóu kàn to look up from sth; 从某物抬头往上看 he looked up from his work/newspaper (to talk to us) 他停下手中的工作/放下手中报纸,抬起头(,和我们说话) informal (improve) 好转 hǎozhuǎn things are looking up for us 对我们来说情况正在好转 business may look up a little 生意可能会有些起色 B. transitive verb [look sth up, look up sth] (try to find) 查找 cházhǎo word, name, date[look sb up, look up sb] (visit) 看望 kànwang friendlook me up if you're ever in Shanghai 你若来上海就来看我吧 look upon transitive verb = look on Alook up to transitive verb [look up to sb/sth] 敬重 jìngzhòng I've always looked up to him as someone of great integrity 我一直敬重他是个正人君子




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