

词汇 lord
lord | BrE lɔːd, AmE lɔrd | A. noun (ruler) 君主 jūnzhǔ to be lord of sth/sb; 是某国/某人的君主 the lord of the manor 庄园主 Lord British (nobleman) 勋爵 xūnjué the (House of) Lords 上议院 drunk as a lord 酩酊大醉的 British (form of address) 大人 dàren Religion zhǔ informal (in exclamations) 天哪 tiān na good lord! 老天! lord (only) knows! informal (只有)天晓得! B. transitive verb to lord it over sb informal 对某人逞威风 duì mǒu rén chěng wēifēng




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