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词汇 loss
loss | BrE lɒs, AmE lɔs,lɑs | noun countable and uncountable (general) 损失 sǔnshī ; Business, Finance 亏损 kuīsǔn loss of blood 失血 heat loss 热损耗 loss of income or earnings 收入的减少 there was great loss of life 很多人丧生 you should report the loss of your credit card immediately 信用卡丢失后应立即挂失 loss of sound/vision Television 声音/图像的消失 with the loss of 300 jobs 在减少300个工作岗位的情况下 he is a great loss to the arts 他的离去对文艺界来说是一大损失 a sense of loss 失落感 to make a loss on sth 在某事上亏损 to trade at a loss 做亏本买卖 to suffer heavy losses Business 亏损严重 Military 伤亡惨重 the party suffered heavy losses in the elections 该党在选举中失去了大量席位 to be at a loss; (puzzled) 感到困惑 gǎndào kùnhuò (helpless) 不知所措 bù zhī suǒ cuò he was at a loss for words 他不知说什么好 tā bùzhī shuō shénme hǎo I'm at a loss to explain what went wrong 我无法解释出什么问题了




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