

词汇 pure
pure | BrE pjʊə, AmE pjʊr | adjective (unadulterated) 纯的 chún de ; (uncontaminated) 纯净的 chúnjìng de air, waterpure white 纯白色 pure silk 真丝 pure cotton/wool/gold 纯棉/纯毛/纯金 pure alcohol/oxygen/breed 纯酒精/纯氧/纯种 pure joy/bliss/evil 真正的快乐/极乐/罪恶 (chaste) 纯洁的 chúnjié de love, motive, personpure in body and in mind 身心纯洁的 to keep oneself pure 洁身自好 (clear) 纯正的 chúnzhèng de note, voice attributive (sheer) 十足的 shízú de folly, extravagance, hypocrisyout of pure curiosity 完全出于好奇 pure accident or chance 纯属意外 pure and simple 不折不扣的 attributive (not applied) 纯理论的 chún lǐlùn de science, researchpure mathematics/art 纯粹数学/纯艺术




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