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词汇 past
past | BrE pɑːst, AmE pæst | A. preposition (beyond in time) guò quarter/half past 3 3点1刻/3点半 it is past 11 o'clock 已经过了11点了 she is past 60 她60出头了 (to the other side of) 到…的另一边 dào… de lìng yībiān ; (farther than, beyond) 在…的另一边 zài… de lìng yībiān he rushed past me 他从我身旁冲过去 just past the post office 就在邮局的那一头 (beyond, above or below a certain level) 超过 chāoguò I never got past the first chapter 我一直停留在第一章 she didn't get past the initial interview 她没能通过最初的面试 they can't count past 3 他们不会数超过3的数 the temperature went down past zero 温度降到了零下 to be past its best (of food) 不新鲜了 the car is past its prime 这辆车已风光不再 (no longer capable of) 超出…的能力 chāochū… de nénglì he's past playing football 他不再能踢足球了 to be past it informal 年纪大不中用了 (beyond scope of) 超出…的范围 chāochū… de fànwéi it is past all understanding 这简直匪夷所思 to be past caring 什么也不在乎了 to not put it past someone (to do sth) (to do sth wrong) 相信某人做得出来(某事) (to do sth rash) 相信某人会鲁莽(做某事) B. noun (time that is over, previous history) 过去 guòqù in the past 在过去 she lives in the past 她活在过去的时光中 a thing of the past 过去的事 a nation with a glorious past 有着光辉历史的民族 a woman with a past 有一段不光彩历史的女人 Linguistics (past tense) 过去时 guòqùshí ; (past form) 过去式 guòqùshì C. adjective attributive (preceding) 刚过去的 gāng guòqu de for the past few years 近几年来 the past week 上周 attributive (earlier, former) 从前的 cóngqián de past generations/president 先辈/前任总统 in times past 在过去 past achievements 过去的成就 he has a past history of violence 他有过使用暴力的历史 predicative (gone by) 结束的 jiéshù de summer is past 夏天过去了 all that is now past 一切已经过去了 attributive Linguistics 过去时的 guòqùshí de in the past tense 用过去时 D. adverb (from one side to another) 经过 jīngguò to hurry past 匆忙经过 (ago) 过去 guòqù two years past 两年前




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