

词汇 patrol
patrol | BrE pəˈtrəʊl, AmE pəˈtroʊl | A. noun uncountable and countable (surveillance, activity) 巡逻 xúnluó to carry out or make a patrol 去巡逻 the soldiers on patrol 巡逻的士兵 a patrol vehicle 巡逻车 countable (group) 巡逻队 xúnluóduì a police patrol 警察巡逻队 countable (of Scouts, Guides) 童子军小队 tóngzǐjūn xiǎoduì B. transitive verb present participle patrolling past tense, past participle patrolled 在…巡逻 zài… xúnluó border, perimeter, areaC. intransitive verb present participle patrolling past tense, past participle patrolled 巡逻 xúnluó




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