

词汇 put off
put off A. [put sth off, put off sth] transitive verb (postpone) 推迟 tuīchí task, appointment, decisionshe keeps on putting off going to the dentist 她一直拖着没去看牙医 the meeting has been put off until June/after Christmas 会议推迟至6月/圣诞节后召开 (switch off) guān light, appliance; duàn electricityB. [put sb off, put off sb] transitive verb (displease, repel) 使反感 shǐ fǎngǎn the very thought of eating snails puts me off! 一想到吃蜗牛我就恶心! to put sb off sth/sb/off doing sth; 使某人讨厌某事物/某人/做某事 the accident put her off driving for life 那次车祸让她一辈子不想开车 (allow to get off) (from bus) 让…下车 ràng… xiàchē ; (from boat) 让…下船 ràng… xiàchuán (stall, fob off) 取消与…的会面 qǔxiāo yǔ… de huìmiàn she put him off with a vague excuse/promise that … 她含含糊糊地找了个借口/用…的承诺把他打发掉了 to be easily put off (discouraged) 容易泄气 (dissuaded) 容易打发 British (distract) 干扰 gānrǎo person, playerto put sb off sth; 扰乱某人做某事 any sudden noise will put him off his game 任何突然的声响都会干扰他比赛 C. intransitive verb «ship, crew» 离港 lí gǎng to put off from the quay 离开码头




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