

词汇 put on
put on transitive verb [put sth on, put on sth] (dress oneself in) 穿 chuān clothes, shoes; dài hat, gloves(apply to skin) 涂抹 túmǒ cream, suntan oil, make-up, lipstick(put in place) zhuāng tyre; bedclothes(switch on, operate) 打开 dǎkāi appliance; kāi light; 接通 jiētōng electricityto put the kettle on 把水壶烧上 I'll put the dinner on in a minute 我马上做晚饭 (play) 播放 bōfàng music, CD, recordto put some jazz/Beethoven on 放一些爵士乐/贝多芬的乐曲 (gain) 增加 zēngjiā weightI put on a few kilos over Christmas 圣诞节期间我重了好几公斤 (add, impose) 征收 zhēngshōu excise duty, tax(stage) 上演 shàngyǎn play, film; 举办 jǔbàn display, exhibition(add to service) 增开 zēngkāi extra train, carriage; 增设 zēngshè bus service, rail service(make available) 供应 gōngyìng meal, food(wind forwards) 往前拨 wǎng qián bō clock, watchput the big hand on one hour 把时针拨快一小时 (assume, adopt) 装出 zhuāngchū air, expression




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