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词汇 pipe
pipe | BrE pʌɪp, AmE paɪp | A. noun (conduit) 管子 guǎnzi a sewage pipe 污水管 to have a burst/leaking/blocked pipe 管子爆裂/渗漏/堵塞 (for smoking) 烟斗 yāndǒu to puff on one's pipe 抽烟斗 to fill/light a pipe 填装/点烟斗 stick that in your pipe and smoke it! informal 这事由不得你! (amount of tobacco) 一斗烟 yī dǒu yān I smoke or have three pipes a day 我每天抽三斗烟 Music (in organ) [管风琴的] 音管 yīnguǎn Music (wind instrument) 管乐器 guǎnyuèqì (birdsong) 鸟鸣声 niǎomíng shēng Nautical [水手长的] 长口哨 cháng kǒushào B. pipes plural noun 风笛 fēngdí to play the pipes 吹奏风笛 C. transitive verb (carry in pipe) 用管子输送 yòng guǎnzi shūsòng gas, oil, water, sewagepiped water 自来水 (say) 尖声说 jiānshēng shuō words (sing) 尖声唱 jiānshēng chàng tune (play on pipe(s)) 用管乐器演奏 yòng guǎnyuèqì yǎnzòu tunehe piped a jig 他吹奏了一首吉格舞曲 (transmit) 播送 bōsòng music, radio programme (trim, decorate) 为…滚边 wèi… gǔnbiān cushion, collar, skirtto pipe sth with sth; 用某物为某物滚边 yòng mǒu wù wèi mǒu wù gǔnbiān Cooking biǎo cream, patternto pipe icing on a cake 给蛋糕裱糖霜 Nautical to pipe sb aboard; 吹奏管乐欢迎某人登船 chuīzòu guǎnyuè huānyíng mǒu rén dēng chuán D. intransitive verb Music 吹奏管乐 chuīzòu guǎnyuè Nautical 吹长口哨 chuī cháng kǒushào (sing) «bird» 啼鸣 tímíng ; (cry) «person» 尖叫 jiānjiào PHRASAL VERBS pipe down intransitive verb informal 安静下来 ānjìng xiàlái pipe in transitive verb [pipe sb/sth in, pipe in sb/sth] 吹奏管乐欢迎 chuīzòu guǎnyuè huānyíng guest; 在管乐声中端上 zài guǎnyuèshēng zhōng duān shang haggis, plum puddingpipe up intransitive verb 开始尖声说话 kāishǐ jiānshēng shuōhuà to pipe up with sth; 开始尖声说某事




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