

词汇 lump
lump | BrE lʌmp, AmE ləmp | A. noun (of rock, cheese, concrete) kuài to get or take one's lumps figurative 吃苦头 (on body) 肿块 zhǒngkuài she had a lump in her breast 她乳房里长了个肿块 to have a lump in one's throat figurative 喉咙哽住 informal derogatory (person) 傻大个 shǎdàgè B. transitive verb 把…归并在一起 bǎ… guībìng zài yīqǐ these two things shouldn't be lumped together 这二者不应该混为一谈 to lump it informal 将就 like it or lump it informal 不管高兴不高兴




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