

词汇 move down
move down A. intransitive verb (in list, hierarchy) «person» 排到底下 páidào dǐxia ; Sport «team, player» 成绩下滑 chéngjì xiàhuá to move down a class British «pupil» 降一年级 to move down to number 5 in the charts «CD, DVD, performer» 下降到排行榜第5位 to move down three places/to rank number 9 排名下降3位/到第9位 to move down to the second division 降为乙级 Finance (decrease) «stocks, index» 下跌 xiàdiē to move down two points 下跌两点 (squeeze up) «person» 挤紧 jǐjǐn to move down a couple of places 往里挤几个位置 move down, please 请往里面走 B. transitive verb [move sb/sth down] (demote) 使…降职 shǐ… jiàngzhí employee; Sport 使…排名下降 shǐ… páimíng xiàjiàng team, playerto move sb down (a class) British 让…降(一年)级 pupil




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