

词汇 move over
move over A. intransitive verb (move aside) 挪开 nuókāi ; figurative 让位 ràngwèi to move over a bit 挪过去一点 to move over and let someone else take the responsibility 让位给别人来当负责人 to move over and make way for a new generation 给新一代让路 to move over to sth (change to) 转变到 zhuǎnbiàn dào alternativeto move over to digital/gas 改用数字设备/煤气 gǎi yòng shùzì shèbèi/méiqì to move over to another supplier «company» 换一家供应商 huàn yī jiā gōngyìngshāng B. transitive verb [move sth/sb over] 挪动 nuódòng object, personto move sth over to the left 把某物向左挪




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