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词汇 move up
move up A. intransitive verb (shift forward) 向前挪动 xiàng qián nuódòng move up and make room for me 挪动一下给我腾出地方 to move up a bit nearer to the front 往前面挪一点 to move up a few places 向前挪几个位置 (in list, hierarchy) «person» 升级 shēngjí ; Sport «team, player» 成绩提高 chéngjì tígāo ; British «pupil» 升高一年级 shēnggāo yī niánjí to move up to second in the charts «CD, DVD, performer» 上升到排行榜第2位 to be moved up to a managerial post/the position of director 被提升到管理岗位/经理职位 he moved up three places/into second place 他的排名上升了3位/上升到第2位 to move up into the first division 升到甲级 to move up in the world informal 飞黄腾达 Finance (increase) «stocks, index» 上升 shàngshēng to move up two points 升高两点 B. transitive verb [move sb up] (promote) 使…晋升 shǐ… jìnshēng employee; Sport 使…排名提高 shǐ… páimíng tígāo team, playerto move sb up (a class) British 让…升(高一年)级 pupil




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