

词汇 alive
alive | BrE əˈlʌɪv, AmE əˈlaɪv | adjective predicative (living) 活着的 huózhe de to stay alive 活着 to be taken or captured alive 被活捉 alive and well 好端端活着的 alive and kicking figurative 活蹦乱跳的 (lively) 有活力的 yǒu huólì de to bring alive 使…活灵活现 storyto come alive 活跃起来 (in existence) 存在的 cúnzài de to keep hopes alive 保持希望 (teeming) to be alive with sth; 充满着某物 chōngmǎnzhe mǒu wù the countryside was alive with insects and butterflies 乡下到处是昆虫和蝴蝶 (aware) to be alive to sth; 意识到某事物 yìshí dào mǒu shìwù




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