词汇 | on |
释义 | on | BrE ɒn, AmE ɑn,ɔn | A. preposition ① (at location of, in contact with) 在…上 ▸ to sit on the floor 坐在地板上 ▸ on an island/the coast 在岛上/海岸上 ▸ a ball on a string 拴在细绳上的球 ▸ on page 5 在第5页 ▸ to live on 6th Street 住在第6大街 ▸ accidents on and off the piste 滑雪道内外的事故 ▸ sth on a black background 黑色背景前的某物 ▸ shrimp is on the menu 菜单上有虾 ② (towards location of, making contact with) 到…上 ▸ he put a hand on my shoulder 他把一只手搭在我肩上 ▸ to punch sb on the nose 一拳击中某人的鼻子 ▸ to choke on a fish bone 被一根鱼刺卡住 ③ (in direction of) 向 ▸ on the right 在右边 ▸ to creep up on sb literal 蹑手蹑脚地靠近某人 figurative 不知不觉地影响某人 ④ (indicating physical support) 由…支撑着 ▸ to stand on one leg 单腿站立 ▸ to lie on one's back 仰卧 ▸ to put sth on its side 把某物侧翻过来 ⑤ (next to) 紧邻着 ▸ a city (right) on the frontier 边境城市 ▸ houses on each side of the road 公路两边的房屋 ⑥ (with one) 带在…身上 ▸ I've no money on me 我没带钱 ⑦ (wearing) 穿戴着 ▸ the finger with the ring on it 戴戒指的那个手指 ⑧ (engaged in) 从事于 ▸ to be on duty/strike 值班/罢工 ▸ to be on a team/committee 是团队/委员会的成员 ▸ five staff work on the project 这个项目有5名工作人员 ⑨ (on the subject of) 关于 ▸ to lecture on sth 讲授某题目 ▸ a book on grammar 一本语法书 ▸ Freud on dreams 弗洛伊德有关梦的著作 ▸ we're on irregular verbs 我们在学习不规则动词 ⑩ (through medium of) 通过 ▸ on the radio/TV 在广播中/在电视上 ▸ to hear sth on the news 从新闻中听到某事 ▸ on disk 存在磁盘上 ▸ to play … on the violin 用小提琴演奏… ▸ with sb on drums 由某人担任鼓手 ⑪ (by means of) 以…的方式 ▸ to be on foot/horseback 步行/骑马 ▸ to travel on the train/a return ticket 乘火车/持来回票旅行 ▸ to run on diesel 用柴油驱动 ⑫ (earning) 挣得 ▸ he's on £49,000 a year 他的年薪有49,000英镑 ▸ I'm not on much 我挣得不多 ⑬ (paid for by) 由…支付 ▸ have the meal on me 这顿饭我请客 ⑭ (derived from) 源于 ▸ profit on sales 销售利润 ▸ a tax on sth 对某物的税收 ⑮ (as regards) 在…方面 ▸ to be economical on petrol 很省油 ⑯ (going by) 根据 ▸ on past experience 凭以往的经验 ▸ on one's (own) terms 按照自己的条件 ⑰ (taking, using) 使用 ▸ to be/put sb on tranquillizers 服用/让某人服用镇静剂 ▸ to be on drugs 吸毒 ▸ to be on the computer/the phone 在用电脑/打电话 ⑱ (in expressions of time) 在 ▸ on Wednesdays/Tuesday night 在每周三/周二晚上 ▸ on and after the 20th 从20号起 ▸ to leave on the hour 准点走 ⑲ (immediately after) 一…就 ▸ on hearing this, he … 一听说这个,他马上… ▸ on the death of his wife, he … 妻子刚死,他就… ⑳ (during) 在…期间 ▸ on the tour, we visited … 在旅途中我们参观了… ㉑ (repeated events) …又… ▸ disaster on disaster 接二连三的灾难 ▸ defeat on defeat 一次又一次失败 ㉒ (in agreement about) [表示达成协议]▸ to shake hands/drink on it 握手/举杯庆贺成交 ㉓ (added to) 附加于 ▸ to pay/put a tax on sth 对某物征税 ▸ to pay interest on a loan 付贷款利息 ㉔ (compared to) 与…相比 ▸ inflation is up on last month 通货膨胀比上月加剧了 ㉕ (in relation to) 对于 ▸ to have an effect on sth 对某事起作用 ▸ it's unfair on her 这对她不公平 ㉖ (in state of) 处于 ▸ to be on the decrease/increase 正在消减/增长 ㉗ (in betting) 为…下赌注 ‹horse›▸ I put a fiver on that dog 我对那只狗下注5英镑 ㉘ Law, Finance [表示法律或财务安排]▸ a house on a long lease 长期出租房 ㉙ (in scoring) 以…的得分 ▸ to be top on 23 points 以23分夺冠 B. adverb ① (being worn) 穿戴着 ▸ to have a coat/glasses on 穿着外套/戴着眼镜 ▸ to have nothing on 一丝不挂 ▸ to have make-up on 脸上化着妆 ② (in or into place) 就位 ▸ the top was not on properly 盖子没盖好 ▸ to put the wheel on 把车轮装上去 ③ (on surface) 在表面 ▸ a T-shirt with Superman on 印着超人的T恤衫 ④ (on to bus or train) 登上 ▸ the conductor/guard helped the old lady to get on 售票员/警卫帮助那老婆婆上了车 ▸ the children ran up to the bus and jumped on 那些小孩跑到公交车那里,跳了上去 ▸ are we all on? 大家是不是全都上了车? ⑤ (functioning, going) 处于工作状态 ▸ to be on; «TV, gas» 开着 ▸ the power is (back) on 电(又)通了 ▸ to put the roast on Cooking 开始做烤肉 ⑥ (taking place) 在进行中 ▸ their wedding is back on again 他们的婚礼又提上日程了 ⑦ (arranged) 有安排 ▸ to have a lot/nothing on 很忙/闲着 ⑧ (working) 工作中 ▸ to be on; 在工作 ▸ to be on every Saturday 每周六值班 ▸ to be on for most of the game Sport 参加大半场比赛 ⑨ ▸ Cinema, Radio, Theatre, Television to be on; «play» 上演 «film» 上映 «concert, exhibition» 举办 «TV show» 播出 ▸ there's nothing on Theatre 没有演出 Television, Radio 没有节目 ▸ he's not on until Act II 他到第二幕才出场 ⑩ ▸ (being served) to be on; 有供应 ▸ shrimps are on today 今天有虾 ⑪ informal (accepting challenge, invitation) 已接受 ▸ to be on; 接受挑战 ▸ you're on! 赌就赌吧! ▸ are you still on for tomorrow's party? 明天的聚会你还去吗? ⑫ informal (at length) 详细地 ▸ to be/go on about sth 喋喋不休地说某事 ▸ to be/get on at sb British 对某人唠唠叨叨 ▸ on and on 连续不断地 ▸ to talk on and on 说个不停 ⑬ British informal (acceptable) 行 ▸ not on 不行 ▸ it's just or simply not on 没门儿 ⑭ (ahead in time) 以后 ▸ a few years on from now 今后的几年 ▸ 20 years on 20年后 ▸ later on 后来 ▸ to be well on in the season 这个季度已过去大半 ⑮ (forward) 向前 ▸ a little further on 再往前一点 ▸ to go on to Blackpool 接着前往布莱克浦 ▸ to crash head on 迎面相撞 ⑯ (continuing) 继续着 ▸ to last well on into the night 一直持续到深夜 ▸ to work on till … 一直工作到… ⑰ (in betting) 下注 ▸ the odds were 3 to 1 on 投注赔率是3赔1 C. adjective attributive ① (functioning) 开启的 ‹switch›▸ to be in the on position 在“开启”位置 ② (in cricket) 腿侧区的 ‹side, drive›D. on to preposition ① (into position) 到…上 ▸ to throw sth on to the ground 把它扔到地上 ② Transport 登上 ▸ to get on to the bus/train 登上公共汽车/火车 ③ (into group, condition of) 进入 ▸ to be elected on to a committee 入选委员会 ▸ to be on to a good thing 过上舒心的日子 ④ (to apply) 适用于 ▸ to put a tax on to sth 对某物征税 ⑤ informal (aware of) 注意到 ▸ to be on to sth/sb; 注意某物/某人 ▸ the police are on to him 警方盯上了他 ▸ to be on to it at last 终于明白了 ⑥ informal (after) 跟着 ▸ to be on to sb (about sth); (因某事)找某人 ▸ to be always getting on to sb to do sth 老催着某人做某事 E. on and off adverb phrase 断断续续地 ▸ to live here on and off 断断续续在这里居住 ▸ to be flashing on and off «light» 在闪烁 |
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