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词汇 only
only | BrE ˈəʊnli, AmE ˈoʊnli | A. adverb (solely) 仅仅 jǐnjǐn to be only interested in sth 只对某事物感兴趣 we're only here for the beer 我们来这儿就是为了喝啤酒 God/goodness/heaven only knows! 天晓得! ‘members only’ “只对会员开放” I'll only go if you go too 你去我才去 not only … but (also) …; 不但…而且… she's not only charming but also intelligent 她不仅迷人,而且很聪慧 only (…) if …; 如果…就… it's only dangerous if … 如果…就很危险 (merely) zhǐ to be only sixteen 只有16岁 it's only that I wanted to … 我只是想… you can only do your best 你只能尽力而为 to be the boss in name only 只是名义上的老板 I was only joking 我只不过是开玩笑而已 you only have to ask 你只要开口 it's only 3 o'clock 才3点钟呢 only think of the mess! informal 想想看有多乱! (as recently as) 仅在 jǐn zài only last week 就在上周 it seems like only yesterday (that …) 仿佛就在昨天(…) (in immediate past) cái to do sth only recently 最近才做过某事 only just (recently) 刚才 (barely) 差点没 to have only just arrived 刚刚到达 it's only just tolerable 勉强过得去 (not until) 直到 zhídào to conclude only on 10 May 直到5月10日才作出决定 (in final outcome) 只会 zhǐ huì he'll only waste it 他只会把它浪费掉 that only makes matters worse 那只会把事情弄得更糟 (in wishes) I only wish/hope … 但愿/我唯有希望… dànyuàn/wǒ wéi yǒu xīwàng… (surprisingly) 不料 bùliào only to find/discover that … 不料却发现… I enquired, only to be told … 我询问了一下,结果竟被告知… (at the very least) 十分 shífēn it's only fair to let him explain 让他解释一下很公平 it's only natural for her to be curious 她好奇是很自然的 only too 非常 it's only too obvious that … 显而易见的是… he was only too pleased to help 他很乐于帮忙 B. adjective attributive (sole) 唯一的 wéiyī de one and only 独一无二的 the only one left 仅存的一个 an only child (boy) 独子 (girl) 独女 dú nǚ the only thing is, I'm broke informal 问题是,我破产了 (best) 最佳的 zuì jiā de skiing is the only sport for me 滑雪是我最喜欢的运动 whisky is the only drink 威士忌酒是首选 C. conjunction 可是 kěshì you may carry it, only don't drop it 你拿着它吧,可别摔了 it's like skiing, only safer/more fun 这就像滑雪一样,不过更安全/更有趣




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