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词汇 open
open | BrE ˈəʊp(ə)n, AmE ˈoʊpən | A. adjective (not closed) 开着的 kāizhe de window, drawer, tin; 翻开的 fānkāi de book, newspaper; 张开的 zhāngkāi de mouth, wings; 敞开的 chǎngkāi de collar, jacket, container, envelopeto leave the door open a crack 把门留一条缝 I can't get the door open 我打不开门 the door flew open 门突然开了 the bag burst open 袋子一下子破了 his eyes are open 他的眼睛睁着 with one's eyes open, with open eyes figurative 心知肚明地 the flowers aren't open yet 花还未开 your fly is or flies are open 你的裤子拉链开了 to welcome sb with open arms figurative 热情欢迎某人 with an open hand figurative 慷慨大方地 predicative (admitting customers) 开门的 kāimén de shop; (admitting visitors) 开放的 kāifàng de museumthe bank won't be open until 9 银行9点才开门 to be open to the public 向公众开放 the new road won't be open until 2018 这条新建的道路要到2018年才通车 the meeting is now open 会议现在向公众开放 usually predicative (not blocked) 畅通的 chàngtōng de to be open «channel, pass» 畅通无阻 «bowels, pores» 通畅 tōngchàng to keep the lines of communication open 保持通信线路畅通 an open goal Sport 空门进球 to be open to sth/sb; 某物/某人可通行 to be open to traffic/boats 车辆/船只可通行 the road to riches lay open before him 他面前通往财富的道路畅通无阻 (not covered) 敞篷的 chǎngpéng de vehicle, carriage; 无遮盖的 wúzhēgài de sewer, tomban open boat 敞舱船 an open fire/drain 明火/排水明沟 (not enclosed) 开阔的 kāikuò de sky, viewthe open air 户外 hùwài open country 空旷的田野 the open sea 开阔的海域 (wide) open spaces (开阔的)空旷地带 (exposed) 暴露的 bàolù de place, coastline; (conspicuous) 显眼的 xiǎnyǎn de placean open field 无遮挡的田地 to be open to sth; 易受某物影响 the room is open to the air 房间透气性很好 open to the elements 易受风霜雪雨侵袭的 to lay or leave oneself open to attack/criticism 使自己处于易受攻击/批评的地位 this incident has left his honesty open to doubt or question 这件事情使大家开始怀疑他的诚信 (receptive) 开明的 kāimíng de to have an open mind 思想开明 to keep an open mind (about sth) (对某事)不怀成见 to be open to sth; 愿意考虑 offers, suggestionsto be open to persuasion 愿意听从劝说 to be open to new/good ideas 能接受新观念/好主意 predicative (available) 空缺的 kòngquē de positionthere's a slot open in July 七月有一个空当 to keep a job open for sb 给某人留着一份工作 to be open to sb; «job, membership» 对某人开放 the competition is open to everybody 人人都可参赛 these are the classes that are open to you 这些是你可以选择的课程 (unrestricted) 无限制的 wúxiànzhì de access, session, invitationan open contest or competition 公开赛 (candid) 坦率的 tǎnshuài de person, attitude, expression; 坦诚的 tǎnchéng de discussion, debateto be open with sb (about sth); (在某事上)对某人坦诚 with an open heart (frankly) 坦诚地 (kindly) 和善地 (undecided) 待定的 dài dìng de decision, datean open question 悬而未决的问题 the race is still wide open 竞赛仍然胜负未定 open ticket/return 不定期机票/回程不定的往返票 (blatant) 公然的 gōngrán de hostility, contemptopen revolt or rebellion 公然的反叛 an open scandal 人尽皆知的丑闻 (with spaces) 稀疏的 xīshū de material, mesh Linguistics an open vowel 开元音 kāiyuányīn an open syllable 开音节 kāiyīnjié Music an open string 空弦 kōngxián B. transitive verb (cause not to be closed) 打开 dǎkāi door, safe, book, box, jarto open one's mouth/eyes 张开嘴巴/睁开眼睛 to open an envelope/a parcel 拆开信封/包裹 to open a vein/wound 切开静脉/伤口 to open a border 开放边境 the wind opened the gate 风把大门吹开了 to open sb's eyes to sth figurative 使某人认清某事 to open the door to sth figurative 为某事敞开大门 to open one's mind to sth 愿意考虑某事 to open one's heart to sb 向某人倾诉心声 (spread out) 伸开 shēnkāi legs, hand; 展开 zhǎnkāi map, wings, fanto open a newspaper/an umbrella 翻开报纸/撑开雨伞 open the book at page 2 把书翻到第2页 (cut, create) 开出 kāichū hole, passage; figurative 开辟 kāipì route, path, market (begin) 开始 kāishǐ to open a meeting/show 开始开会/演出 to open a case Law 开始审案 who'll open the bidding? 谁首先出价? to open the score or scoring Sport 开局得分 to open the batting (in cricket) 开球 (inaugurate) 为…揭幕 wèi… jiēmù fête, exhibition; 宣布启用 xuānbù qǐyòng factory, roadto open a new session of parliament 宣布新一届议会召开 (set up) 开办 kāibàn business, factory; 开设 kāishè branch, office Finance 开立 kāilì account Computing 打开 dǎkāi file, documentC. intransitive verb (become open) «door, container, lid» 打开 dǎkāi ; «eyes» 睁开 zhēngkāi ; «mouth, wings» 张开 zhāngkāi when the flowers open in spring 春天花开时 to open wide 大开着 the skies or heavens opened figurative 大雨突降 to open into sth (give access to) «door, window» 通往 tōngwǎng passage, yardmy bedroom opens into the sitting room 我的卧室通起居室 to open on to sth; «door, room» 朝向 cháoxiàng road, areaa window opening on to the garden 朝向花园的窗户 cháoxiàng huāyuán de chuānghu (appear) literal figurative «gap, breach» 出现 chūxiàn cracks opened in the ice 冰面上出现了裂缝 a split has opened in the party 党内出现了分裂 (admit customers, visitors) «shop, museum» 开门 kāimén ; (for first time) «business, branch» 开业 kāiyè ; «fête» 开幕 kāimù to open at nine o'clock every day 每天9点开始营业 there's a new supermarket opening in the High Street 商业大街上一家新超市开业了 the exhibition opens on 6 January 展览会1月6日开幕 Theatre, Cinema «play» 上演 shàngyǎn ; «film» 上映 shàngyìng (begin) «conference, trial» 开始 kāishǐ to open with sth; 以某事开始 shares opened at 123p 股票以123便士开盘 we always open with a prayer 我们总是先祈祷 (speak, play first) 起头 qǐtóu to open for sth/sb; 代表某事物/某人率先开始 to open for the defence Law 由被告方开始发言 to open for the government Politics 率先代表政府发言 to open for England Sport 为英格兰队开球 D. noun the open (outside) 户外 hùwài to spend the night in the open 露天过夜 lùtiān guòyè the open (exposed position) 明处 míngchù to come out into the open «animal» 从暗处出来 cóng ànchù chūlai to be out in the open figurative 公开 gōngkāi to bring sth out into the open figurative 揭开某事物的真面目 jiēkāi mǒu shìwù de zhēnmiànmù PHRASAL VERBS open out A. intransitive verb (widen) «path, land» 变开阔 biàn kāikuò ; «passage, tunnel» 变宽 biàn kuān to open out into sth; 变宽成为某物 the stream opened out into a pool 小溪逐渐变宽,汇入一个池塘 (unfold) «fan, flower, wings» 展开 zhǎnkāi the scroll opens out into a painting 卷轴展开成一幅画 B. transitive verb [open sth out, open out sth] 展开 zhǎnkāi fan, wings, mapopen up A. intransitive verb (unlock door) 开门 kāimén to open up for sb 给某人开门 (flower) «flower, bud» 开放 kāifàng (get wider) «crack, crevice» 变宽 biàn kuān a gap has opened up between A and B Sport A和B之间的距离拉开了 a split has opened up in the opposition ranks 对立派别之间的分歧变大了 (start up) «shop» 开门 kāimén ; «business, branch» 营业 yíngyè ; «gallery, museum» 开放 kāifàng (develop) «business, market» 发展 fāzhǎn ; «opportunities, possibilities» 出现 chūxiàn a new phase was opening up 一个新阶段正在呈现 Military «soldier, army» 开火 kāihuǒ to open up with sth; 用…开火 rifles, machine guns(speak freely) «person» 畅所欲言 chàng suǒ yù yán B. transitive verb [open sth up, open up sth] (make open) 拆开 chāikāi envelope; 打开 dǎkāi box, book; 疏通 shūtōng blocked pipeto open up a wound 使伤口裂开 (make wider) 使…变宽 shǐ… biàn kuān channel, gap, crack, creviceto open up a lead «athlete, team» 拉开一段距离而领先 (unlock) 开…的门 kāi… de mén shop, building; 打开 dǎkāi safe(start up) 开办 kāibàn business; 开设 kāishè branchto open up an office in … 在…设立办事处 (make accessible) 开放 kāifàng area, country; 开辟 kāipì route; 开拓 kāituò opportunitiesto open up the hinterland to trade 开放内陆地区的贸易 to open up new horizons for sb 为某人开拓新视野 Motor Vehicles informal 使…加速 shǐ… jiāsù engineC. to open oneself up reflexive verb 放开 fàngkāi to open oneself up to sb/sth; 愿意接纳某人/某事物 yuànyì jiēnà mǒu rén/mǒu shìwù the country has recently opened itself up to foreign investment 该国最近开放了外国投资 to open oneself up to new ideas 愿意考虑新观念 yuànyì kǎolǜ xīn guānniàn




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