

词汇 all over
all over | BrE ˌɔːl ˈəʊvə, AmE ˌɔl ˈoʊvər | A. adjective 全部结束的 quánbù jiéshù de it's all over between us 我们之间到此为止 B. adverb (everywhere) 到处 dàochù to be trembling all over 浑身发抖 (typically) 典型地 diǎnxíng de that's Mary all over! 玛丽就是这个样子! C. preposition (in every part of) 在…的各处 zài… de gè chù all over China 中国各地 I have spots all over my arms 我的两只胳膊上到处都是丘疹 place A1 (known throughout) to be all over; «news, secret» 传遍 chuánbiàn village, office informal (fawning over) 谄媚 chǎnmèi to be all over sb 向某人献殷勤




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