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词汇 along
along | BrE əˈlɒŋ, AmE əˈlɔŋ,əˈlɑŋ | A. adverb (forward on route, in time or progress) 向前 xiàng qián to push/pull sth along 向前推/拉某物 our house is two doors along 往前过去两个门就是我们的房子 the project was already quite far along 该项目已取得相当大的进展 the message was passed along 消息传开了 to drag along 拖拖拉拉 (with company) 一起 yīqǐ to ask/invite sb along 叫/邀请某人一起去 to take sth along 带上某物 (arrived in a place) 到某处 dào mǒu chù ; (present in a place) 在某处 zài mǒu chù she'll be along shortly 她一会儿就到 there'll be another bus along in half an hour 过半个小时还会来一辆公共汽车 B. preposition (extending or moving on) 沿着 yánzhe ; (at point on) 沿着…的某处 yánzhe… de mǒu chù cottages along the riverbank 河岸上的小屋 to walk along the beach 沿海滩散步 there were chairs along the wall 沿墙边摆放着椅子 along here/there 沿这边/那边 taxis can't park along there 那边不能停靠出租车 halfway along the path/the corridor 在小路半途中/走廊中间 somewhere along the way 沿途某处 somewhere along the way he had become hard and cynical 他从某个时候起变得不近人情、愤世嫉俗 C. along with preposition phrase (accompanied by) 与…一起 yǔ… yīqǐ the President boarded the helicopter along with two bodyguards 总统与两名保镖一起登上了直升机 (at same time as) 与…同时 yǔ… tóngshí he was convicted along with two others 他和另外两人被同时定罪




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