

词汇 mute
mute | BrE mjuːt, AmE mjut | A. adjective (silent) 缄默的 jiānmò de person; 无声的 wúshēng de bow, sympathy, reproachto be mute with fear 吓得默不作声 in mute surprise/admiration 带着无语的惊讶/敬意 (dated or offensive) (unable to speak) 哑的 yǎ de person Linguistics 哑音的 yǎ yīn de letterB. noun Music 弱音器 ruòyīnqì (dated or offensive) (person unable to speak) 哑巴 yǎba a deaf mute (dated or offensive) 聋哑人 C. transitive verb Music 用弱音器减弱…的音 yòng ruòyīnqì jiǎnruò… de yīn (weaken) 降低 jiàngdī enthusiasm; 缓和 huǎnhé criticism; 削弱 xuēruò opposition; 减弱 jiǎnruò effect




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