

词汇 peace
peace | BrE piːs, AmE pis | noun uncountable (absence of violence or conflict) 和平 hépíng the two countries are at peace 两国现在和平相处 to make peace 议和 before noun 呼吁裁军的 hūyù cáijūn de meeting, campaigna peace demonstration/march 和平示威/游行 (period without war) 和平时期 hépíng shíqī a lasting peace 持久和平 (treaty) 和约 héyuē a negotiated peace 谈判达成的和约 (tranquillity) 安静 ānjìng ; (serenity, calmness) 宁静 níngjìng to leave sb in peace; 不打扰某人 to give sb no peace; 不断地打扰某人 peace of mind 心境的安宁 to be or live at peace with the world 与世无争 to be at peace euphemistic 安息 to hold one's peace 保持沉默 (concord, friendliness) 和睦 hémù to keep the peace in the family 保持家庭和睦 to make (one's) peace (with sb) (与某人)和解 (law and order) 治安 zhì'ān to keep the peace (enforce lawful ways) 维持治安 (behave in a lawful way) 遵纪守法




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