

词汇 pelt
pelt1 | BrE pɛlt, AmE pɛlt | A. transitive verb literal (with missiles) 向…投掷 xiàng… tóuzhì to pelt sb with stones 向某人扔石头 to pelt sb with questions figurative 向某人提出一连串的问题 B. intransitive verb (fall heavily) 下得很大 xià de hěn dà it or the rain was pelting (down) 大雨如注 the pelting rain 倾盆大雨 informal (run) 飞跑 fēipǎo to go pelting down the hill 飞跑下山 C. (full pelt, at full pelt) adverb phrase 全速地 quánsù de we hurtled (at) full pelt down the hill 我们飞奔下山




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