

词汇 alternative
alternative | BrE ɔːlˈtəːnətɪv,ɒlˈtəːnətɪv, AmE ɔlˈtərnədɪv | A. adjective attributive (other) 可供替代的 kě gōng tìdài de plan, route, method, suggestion (unconventional) 非传统的 fēichuántǒng de art form, lifestylealternative sources of energy 非传统能源 an alternative culture 另类文化 B. noun (specified option) 选择 xuǎnzé the alternative is to wait and see 要么就是等着看事态的发展 you have the alternative of marrying or remaining a bachelor 你要么结婚,要么继续做单身汉 (possible option) 可能的选择 kěnéng de xuǎnzé there are several alternatives to surgery 除外科手术之外还有其他几种选择 to choose between two alternatives 在两者中作出选择 to have no alternative but to do sth 除了做某事之外别无选择




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