

词汇 manifest
manifest | BrE ˈmanɪfɛst, AmE ˈmænəˌfɛst | formal A. adjective 明显的 míngxiǎn de his nervousness was manifest to us 我们都看出他很紧张 B. transitive verb 清楚显示 qīngchu xiǎnshì she manifested signs of severe depression 她出现了严重抑郁症的症状 (be evidence of) 证明 zhèngmíng bad industrial relations are often manifested in strikes 罢工常常是劳资关系恶劣的证明 C. to manifest itself reflexive verb 显现 xiǎnxiàn fear manifests itself in many different forms 恐惧有多种不同的表现形式 the disease may never manifest itself 该病可能永远都不会发作 D. noun Nautical 船货清单 chuán huò qīngdān Aviation (of passengers) 乘客名单 chéngkè míngdān ; (of cargo) 货单 huòdān




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