

词汇 manner
manner | BrE ˈmanə, AmE ˈmænər | A. noun (way) 方式 fāngshì in a … manner; 以…方式 the piece was played in a rather sloppy manner 这首曲子演奏得相当马虎 the manner in which … …的方式 in such a manner that or as to … 以如此的方式以至于… in like or the same manner 同样地 the manner of sth/doing sth; 某事物/做某事的方式 an adverb/adverbial of manner 方式副词/状语 (way of behaving) 举止 jǔzhǐ ; (attitude) 态度 tàidu sb's manner toward(s) sb 某人对某人的态度 she has a good telephone manner 她有良好的电话沟通技巧 Art, Music, Literature (style) 风格 fēnggé in or after the manner of sb; 以某人的风格 (sort, kind) 种类 zhǒnglèi in a manner of speaking 可以说 all manner of X(s) 各种各样的某物 by no or not by any manner of means 决不 (as if) to the manner born (似乎)天生就适合 B. manners plural noun (social behaviour) 礼仪 lǐyí good/bad manners 有礼貌/无礼的行为 it's good/bad manners to do sth 做某事是有礼貌/不礼貌的 to learn (some) manners 学(一些)礼貌 where on earth did she learn her manners? 她究竟从哪里学来的那套举止? to have no manners 没礼貌 to forget one's manners 失礼 road manners 行车礼貌 manners maketh man proverb 举止见人品 formal (social habits, customs) 风俗 fēngsú a comedy of manners 风尚喜剧




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