

词汇 option
option | BrE ˈɒpʃ(ə)n, AmE ˈɑpʃ(ə)n | noun uncountable (possibility of choosing) 选择权 xuǎnzéquán to have the option to do or of doing sth; 可选择做某事 to give sb the option of doing sth; 允许某人做某事 to have little or no option but to do sth; 除了做某事外别无选择 with the option of doing sth 有做某事的选择权 to leave or keep one's options open 暂时不作出选择 countable (sth chosen, a choice) 选择 xuǎnzé the easy or soft option 轻松的选择 to go for an option 作出选择 countable Business 买卖权 mǎimàiquán ; Finance 期权 qīquán to exercise/take up an option 履行/行使期权 to have first option on sth; 有对某物的优先买卖权 to cancel one's options 取消买卖权 a call/put option 买进/卖出期权 an exclusive option 独家买卖权 countable British School, University 选修课 xuǎnxiūkè




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