

词汇 orbit
orbit | BrE ˈɔːbɪt, AmE ˈɔrbət | A. noun (about a star or planet) 轨道 guǐdào to make an orbit round sth 绕某物运行 to be in orbit round sth 在绕某物运行的轨道上 to go into orbit 进入轨道 to put sth into orbit 把某物送入轨道 figurative (of person, group) 势力范围 shìlì fànwéi within/outside sb's orbit 在/不在某人的势力范围内 B. transitive verb 绕…运行 rào… yùnxíng C. intransitive verb 绕轨道运行 rào guǐdào yùnxíng to orbit around sth; 绕某物运行




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