

词汇 pounce
pounce | BrE paʊns, AmE paʊns | A. intransitive verb (spring, swoop) «animal, person» 猛扑 měng pū to pounce on sth 向…猛扑过去 prey, criminal, victim figurative (take advantage of, grab or accept eagerly) 一下抓住 yīxià zhuāzhù to pounce on or upon sth/sb; 抓住某物/某人 the editor pounced on the keyboarder's errors 编辑一眼看出了键盘输入员的错误 my son pounced on my newspaper before I had a chance to open it 还没等我打开报纸,我儿子一把就把它抓过去了 B. noun 猛扑 měng pū




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