

词汇 pound
pound1 | BrE paʊnd, AmE paʊnd | noun (weight in avoirdupois measure) bàng [等于16盎司,合0.454公斤]to be sold by the pound 按磅卖 to demand/have/want one's pound of flesh 强索欠债 a pound weight 一磅的秤砣 a two-pound box of chocolates 一盒两磅装的巧克力 (weight in troy measure) 金衡磅 jīnhéngbàng [等于12盎司,合0.373公斤]six pounds of gold 6磅黄金 Finance (UK monetary unit) 英镑 yīngbàng the pound; 英镑 yīngbàng [指英镑对其他货币的比值]the pound closed slightly down at $1.534 英镑收于1.534美元,略微下跌 the strength/weakness of the pound 英镑的坚挺/疲软 to pay 5p in the pound 每镑付5便士佣金 to be penny wise, pound foolish proverb 小事聪明,大事糊涂 in for a penny, in for a pound informal 一不做二不休 a two-pound coin 面值两英镑的硬币 Finance (in some Middle Eastern countries) bàng the Egyptian/Syrian pound 埃及/叙利亚镑




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