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词汇 pour
pour | BrE pɔː, AmE pɔr | A. transitive verb (cause to flow) 倒出 dàochū liquid, sauce, sugar; 倾倒 qīngdào metal, cementto pour sth into/over/down sth; 把某物倒进某物/浇到某物上/沿某物浇下 I was pouring sweat 我汗流浃背 it's pouring buckets informal 正下着瓢泼大雨 to pour it on informal (praise excessively) 大肆吹捧 US (work with energy) 加油干 jiāyóu gàn to pour oil on the flames 火上浇油 to pour oil on troubled waters 调解争端 (serve) «hostess, waiter» dào cup of sth, drinkto pour sth for sb, to pour sb sth; 为某人斟上某饮料 figurative (supply freely) 不断地大量投入 bùduàn de dàliàng tóurù money, resources, personnel; 倾注 qīngzhù energy, enthusiasmthey are pouring more soldiers into the battle zone 他们正向战区增派大批士兵 B. to pour oneself reflexive verb informal humorous 费力穿上 fèilì chuānshàng to pour oneself into a dress 用力套上连衣裙 C. intransitive verb (flow) «water, light, sunshine» 倾泻 qīngxiè ; «sweat» 不断流下 bùduàn liúxia ; «smoke, steam» 滚滚冒出 gǔngǔn màochū blood was pouring from the wound 伤口血流如注 words poured from her mouth 她口若悬河滔滔不绝 relief poured over me 我收到了大量救济物资 «people» 纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái ; «vehicles, animals» 蜂拥而来 fēngyōng ér lái refugees poured over the border 难民大量涌过边境 (rain) 下大雨 xià dàyǔ it was absolutely pouring 简直就是倾盆大雨 informal (serve drink) 倒饮料 dào yǐnliào «jug, bottle» 倒起来 dào qilai the jug doesn't pour very well 这把壶倒起来不太方便 PHRASAL VERBS pour away transitive verb [pour sth away, pour away sth] 倒掉 dàodiào water, dregshe poured the dirty water away 他把脏水倒进了下水管 pour down intransitive verb «rain» 倾盆而下 qīng pén ér xià it's pouring down outside 外面大雨滂沱 pour forth intransitive verb (formal or literary) = pour out Apour in A. intransitive verb (flow in) «water, smoke» 大量涌进 dàliàng yǒngjìn ; «rain» 倾泻 qīngxiè ; «sunshine, light» 照射进来 zhàoshè jìnlai «people, animals, vehicles» 涌入 yǒngrù ; «complaints, reports» 纷至沓来 fēn zhì tà lái ; «money» 大量投入 dàliàng tóurù visitors were pouring in from all over the country 观光者从全国各地涌来 B. transitive verb [pour sth in, pour in sth] (transfer) 倒入 dàorù liquid, molten metal, concretefigurative (provide) 大量投入 dàliàng tóurù money, fundingpour off transitive verb [pour sth off, pour off sth] 倒出 dàochū liquidshe poured off the cream into a separate jug 她把奶油单独倒进一个罐子 pour out A. intransitive verb (flow out) «liquid» 流出 liúchū ; «smoke, steam» 滚滚冒出 gǔngǔn màochū figurative (be expressed) «words, troubles» 被倾吐 bèi qīngtǔ ; «feelings» 迸发 bèngfā ; «ideas» 被和盘托出 bèi hé pán tuō chū «people, animals, vehicles» 涌出 yǒngchū B. transitive verb [pour out sth, pour sth out] (serve) zhēn tea, wine, glass of waterto pour sb out sth; 给某人斟上某物 (emit) 大量排放 dàliàng páifàng smoke, sewage(produce in large amounts) 大量产出 dàliàng chǎnchū goods; 大批吐出 dàpī tǔchū exportsfigurative (express freely) 倾诉 qīngsù feelings, troubles; 尽情宣泄 jìnqíng xuānxiè indignationto pour out one's heart/story 倾吐心声/把事情原委和盘托出 to pour out curses/threats 破口大骂/横加威胁




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