

词汇 powder
powder | BrE ˈpaʊdə, AmE ˈpaʊdər | A. noun uncountable (fine dry particles) 粉末 fěnmò to crush/grind/turn sth to powder; 把某物压成/磨成/变成粉末 in powder form 呈粉末状 stain-removing powder 去污粉 (cosmetic) 美容粉 měiróng fěn Military 火药 huǒyào to keep one's powder dry 做好应急准备 B. transitive verb (apply to face, body) 在…上搽粉 zài… shang chá fěn to powder one's nose euphemistic 补妆 [指上厕所] (dust, sprinkle) 撒粉状物于 sǎ fěnzhuàngwù yú cake; «pollen, snow» 撒满 sǎmǎn leaves, fieldsher face is powdered with freckles 她的脸上布满雀斑 (pulverize) 把…磨成粉末 bǎ… móchéng fěnmò chalk, rocks




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