

词汇 practical
practical | BrE ˈpraktɪk(ə)l, AmE ˈpræktək(ə)l | A. adjective (concrete) 实际的 shíjì de difficulties, application, experience, skillsfor all practical purposes 实际上 in practical terms 具体来说 (viable) 切实可行的 qièshí kěxíng de idea, plan (useful) 实用的 shíyòng de clothes, shoes, device (sensible) 实事求是的 shí shì qiú shì de mind, outlook, approach, attitudeto be practical 实事求是 (skilled) 动手能力强的 dòngshǒu nénglì qiáng de (virtual) it's a practical certainty that … …实际上已确定无疑 B. noun British (examination) 实验考核 shíyàn kǎohé ; (lesson) 实践课 shíjiànkè




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