

词汇 preach
preach | BrE priːtʃ, AmE pritʃ | A. intransitive verb Religion 讲道 jiǎngdào to preach about or on sth; 宣讲某事物 to preach to the converted 向教徒宣教 figurative derogatory (give moral advice) 说教 shuōjiào to preach at or to sb 对某人说教 B. transitive verb (proclaim, teach) 宣讲 xuānjiǎng religion, doctrineto preach sth to sb; 向某人宣讲某事物 (deliver) sermon figurative (urge) 宣扬 xuānyáng tolerance, virtues, pacifismpreaching brotherly love is easier than practising it 兄弟般的友爱说起来容易做起来难




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