

词汇 naturally
naturally | BrE ˈnatʃ(ə)rəli, AmE ˈnætʃ(ə)rəli | adverb (obviously) 当然地 dāngrán de cautious, angry; (normally) 自然地 zìrán de develop, behave, smilenaturally enough, she refused 她当然拒绝了 I naturally assumed that … 我自然而然地以为… to do what comes naturally 顺其自然 just try and act naturally 尽量自然些 (innately) 天生地 tiānshēng de conservative, athleticnaturally talented 有天赋的 her hair is naturally curly 她的头发是自然卷 to come naturally to sb; 对某人来说轻而易举 (in nature) 天然地 tiānrán de grow, decompose, presentnaturally occurring radioactive isotopes 天然的放射性同位素




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