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词汇 near
near | BrE nɪə, AmE ˈnɪr | A. adverb (nearby) 附近 fùjìn to draw sb/sth near 把某人/某物拉近 to draw/come/move near 靠近 kàojìn she took a step nearer 她走近了一步 help was near at hand 得到帮助轻而易举 from near and far 来自四面八方 to be near at hand 近在咫尺 (close in time, degree) 接近 jiējìn the exams are drawing near 考试越来越近了 as near as I can tell 据我所知 so near and yet so far 功亏一篑 (almost) 几乎 jīhū a near perfect performance 近乎完美的表演 nowhere near finished/ready 远没有完成/准备好 he's not anywhere near as bright as her 他远没有她聪明 B. preposition (in space) 靠近 kàojìn to move/draw near sb/sth 向某人/某物靠近 our house is near the park 我们家在公园附近 the table nearest the door 最靠近门的桌子 (in time, in degree, close to) 接近 jiējìn to get near sth; 临近某事 to be/come near doing sth; 接近于做某事 near the end of the war 临近战争结束 nearer the time or date 日子更近的时候 to be near tears 几乎要哭 it's getting near Christmas 圣诞节快到了 we came near (to) being killed 我们差点丢了性命 C. adjective (close in distance, order) 靠近的 kàojìn de my house is quite near 我家就在附近 we are near neighbours 我们是近邻 she has a 12-point lead over her nearest rival 她领先紧随其后的对手12分 (close in time, in degree) 接近的 jiējìn de in the near future 在不远的将来 the time is near when … …的时候临近了 in the near darkness 几乎在黑暗之中 he's the nearest thing to a great scientist that we've got 他是我们当中最可能成为伟大科学家的人 attributive (virtual) 近似于的 jìnsì yú de to be a near tragedy/disaster 近乎悲剧/灾难 his state of near despair 他近乎绝望的状态 attributive (in relationship) 亲近的 qīnjìn de the nearest relatives 至亲 attributive (nearside) 副驾驶一侧的 fùjiàshǐ yī cè de the near front wheel of the car 汽车副驾驶一侧的前车轮 attributive (closer of two) 这一侧的 zhè yī cè de the near side/bank 靠这边的一侧/岸 attributive (short) 短的 duǎn de the nearest route 最短的路线 D. transitive verb (in space) 靠近 kàojìn we neared the top of the hill 我们接近了山顶 (in time, degree) 接近 jiējìn to near the end of sth 临近…的结尾 season, career, tourshe was nearing the end of her life 她正在走向她生命的终点 to near completion «project, book» 即将完成 E. intransitive verb (in time) 来临 láilín lunchtime neared 午饭时间就要到了 as the time neared for the exam … 当临近考试时… F. near enough adverb phrase (close in distance) 足够靠近 zúgòu kàojìn he was near enough to hear everything 他离得很近,足以听到每一句话 (close in degree) 非常接近 fēicháng jiējìn I can only give you £20 — that's near enough 我只能给你20英镑──那就差不多够了 British informal (approximately) 差不多 chàbuduō there were 30 yachts, near enough 大约有30艘游艇吧 G. near to preposition phrase (in space) 靠近 kàojìn to move/draw near to sb/sth; 走近某人/某物 the car park near to the sawmill 锯木厂旁的停车场 how near are we to London? 我们距离伦敦有多近? (in time, degree) 接近 jiējìn nearer to the time or date 日子更近的时候 it's getting near to Christmas 圣诞节快到了 she's nearer to 50 than 40 她快50岁了 to be/come near to doing sth; 接近于做某事 they were still no nearer to solving the case 他们的破案工作仍没有进展 she came near to crying or to tears 她几乎要哭了




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