

词汇 many
many | BrE ˈmɛni, AmE ˈmɛni | A. adjective comparative form more superlative form most 许多的 xǔduō de many books/people 很多书/人 too many people/times 太多人/回 people of many kinds 形形色色的人 there are two too many chairs or two chairs too many 多两把椅子 five exams in as many days 5天里5场考试 a good/great many things 许许多多的事情 the temptations are many 诱惑很多 to have one too many informal 喝多了 B. pronoun 许多 xǔduō how many? 多少? too many 太多 a good/great many of those books 许多那样的书 many a man/woman 许多男人/女人 four times as many 4倍之多 as many stayed as left 留下的和离去的一样多 many's the day/time that … 许多天/次… C. adverb 更加 gèngjiā there were many more/fewer than last time 比上一次更多/更少 D. noun (the masses) the many; 群众 qúnzhòng music for the many 通俗音乐 tōngsú yīnyuè to sacrifice the interests of the few in favour of the many 为了大多数人而牺牲少数人的利益 (large number) 很多人 hěn duō rén the many who loved him 曾经爱他的那许多人




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