

词汇 margin
margin | BrE ˈmɑːdʒɪn, AmE ˈmɑrdʒən | noun (on paper) 页边空白 yè biān kòngbái left/right margin 左/右页边 in the margin 在页边空白处 (edge of area, lake) 边缘 biānyuán at or on the margin(s) of the pool 在池塘边 the eastern margin of the Indian Ocean 印度洋的东岸 usually plural figurative (fringe) 边缘部分 biānyuán bùfen people living at or on the margin(s) of society 生活在社会边缘的人 Politics 幅度 fúdù to lose by a small margin 以微弱差距失利 to win by a margin of 100 votes 以100票的优势获胜 to increase one's margin 扩大领先幅度 (leeway) 余地 yúdì a safety margin 安全距离 there is no margin for error 不能出任何差错 Business = profit margin (furthest limit) 极限 jíxiàn to be at the margins of acceptability 在可接受的最低限度




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