

词汇 course
course | BrE kɔːs, AmE kɔrs | A. noun countable (progression) 进程 jìnchéng the course of nature/history/justice 自然规律/历史进程/司法程序 in the course of sth/doing sth; 在…/做某事的过程中 in the course of an hour 在1小时内 in the normal/ordinary course of events/things 按通常情况 in the course of time 总有一天 a building in course of construction 正在建造的大楼 to run or take or follow its course 任其发展 his grief had run its course 他的悲痛过去了 let fate take its course 听天由命 the law must take its course 必须按法律行事 countable and uncountable (direction of ship, aircraft) 航向 hángxiàng ; (route of aircraft, ship) 航线 hángxiàn ; (route of river) 水道 shuǐdào ; (route of road) 路线 lùxiàn ; (direction of star, planet) 方位 fāngwèi ; figurative 行动方向 xíngdòng fāngxiàng to be on a course 保持某一航向 on course 在正确的方向上 the economy is back on course 经济重新走上了正轨 to be on course for sth literal 在去某地的路上 figurative 很可能做成某事 hěn kěnéng zuòchéng mǒu shì the company is on course for bankruptcy 公司很可能破产 off course 偏离方向地 to go off course 偏离方向 to steer/hold a course 保持航向 to plot a course 标绘航线 to change (one's) course literal 改变(自己的)方向 figurative 改变(自己的)方针 gǎibiàn(zìjǐ de)fāngzhēn the river has changed its course many times 这条河已多次改道 to set (a) course for sth 确定去某地的路线 countable (procedure) 行动方式 xíngdòng fāngshì to take a course of action 采取一种办法 countable (series of lessons) 课程 kèchéng a French/art/degree course 法文/艺术/学位课程 the college offers a wide range of courses 学院开设课程范围广泛 a course of sth; 某种课程 a course of study School, University 学习课程 she gave a course of lectures on Mozart 她开设了一个关于莫扎特的讲座 to take a course in linguistics 修一门语言学课程 the college runs courses in a variety of subjects 这所学院开设有各种科目的课程 to be/go on a course 在/去修一门课程 to send sb on a course 派某人去修一门课程 countable Medicine, Veterinary science 疗程 liáochéng a course of; 一个…的疗程 drugs, injectionsthe doctor prescribed a course of antibiotics 医生开了一个疗程的抗生素 countable (for golf) 高尔夫球场 gāo'ěrfū qiúchǎng countable (for racing) 赛道 sài dào ; (for runners) 跑道 pǎodào to stay the course 坚持到比赛结束 figurative 坚持到底 jiānchí dàodǐ countable (part of meal) 一道菜 yī dào cài the first/second/third course 头/第二/第三道菜 the soup/fish course 一道汤/鱼 a three/four/five-course meal 有三/四/五道菜的饭食 countable Building [墙砖、屋顶瓦等的] céng B. intransitive verb literary «river, blood, tears» 迅速流动 xùnsù liúdòng to course through sth; 迅速地流过某物 to course down sth; 沿某物流下来 the tears coursed down her cheeks 泪珠沿着她的脸颊滚落下来 to course in sth; 在某物里迅速流动 C. of course adverb phrase 当然 dāngrán (of) course not! 当然不! I may of course be wrong 当然,我可能是错的 of course! I remember now 当然啦!我现在记起来了 I did all I could to help — of course you did 我已尽全力帮忙了──的确如此 may I borrow your pen — of course! 我可以借用你的钢笔吗?──当然可以!




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