

词汇 plain
plain1 | BrE pleɪn, AmE pleɪn | A. adjective (simple) 简朴的 jiǎnpǔ de dress, style, living, building; 清淡的 qīngdàn de cooking, food, diet; 无糖衣的 wútángyī de cake, biscuit; 仅加盐的 jǐn jiā yán de crispsplain rice/water/yogurt 白饭/白开水/原味酸奶 (uniform) 单色的 dānsè de fabric; 素色的 sùsè de garment; 无格的 wúgé de paper, envelope; 单一的 dānyī de colour (visible, clear, obvious) 清晰的 qīngxī de line, marking, signal; 明显的 míngxiǎn de fact, situationit is plain that …; 显然… to be plain to sb; 对某人而言很明显 he kicked him in plain view of the referee 他当着裁判员的面踢了他 plain and simple 显而易见 to make it plain (to sb) that … (向某人)明确表示… to make oneself plain 把自己的意思说明白 to be (as) plain as the nose on your face, to be as plain as day informal 一目了然 attributive (clearly expressed, direct) 直截了当的 zhíjié-liǎodàng de answer; 简单明了的 jiǎndān míngliǎo de language, talk; 坦诚的 tǎnchéng de person, speakingto be plain about sth; 在某事物上表现坦诚 to be plain with you, … 坦白对你说,… in plain words or English, you're fired! 说白了,你被解雇了! I killed him, and that's the plain truth 我杀了他,这事明明白白的 attributive (downright) 纯粹的 chúncuì de ignorance, common sense, luck, idleness (ordinary, simple, average) 平凡的 píngfán de I'm not a Dr Brown, I'm plain Mr Brown 我不是什么布朗博士,我是普普通通的布朗先生 (unattractive) 相貌平平的 xiàngmào píngpíng de woman, girl (in knitting) 平针的 píngzhēn de stitch, knittingB. adverb informal (completely) 完全 wánquán wrong; 极其 jíqí stupid, lucky, absurd (directly, simply) 直率地 zhíshuài de speak, tellC. noun uncountable and countable plural plain (basic type of stitch) 平针 píngzhēn ; (knitted yarn) 平针针脚 píngzhēn zhēnjiao two plain, one purl 两针平,一针反 a pullover knitted in plain 平针套衫




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