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词汇 say
say | BrE seɪ, AmE seɪ | A. transitive verb past tense, past participle said (utter) shuō to say hello/goodbye 问好/道别 she says he's ill 她说他病了 it's just a way of saying thank you 这只是一种道谢的方式 to say a prayer 祈祷 ‘hello,’he said “嗨,”他说道 I've got nothing to say (to police, media, etc.) 我无可奉告 to have a lot to say 有很多话要说 the boss will have something to say about that 关于那件事老板有话要讲 to say sth to oneself; 心里想某事 I wouldn't say no to a lift to the station 我不反对搭车去车站 to say one's piece 说出心里话 to have a lot to say for oneself 有一肚子话要说 what have you got to say for yourself? 你还有什么可辩解的吗? I should say so or it is! 的确如此! you said it! informal 说得对! you can say that again! informal 你说得一点不错! and so say all of us 我们都这么想 say no more informal 不用再说了 enough said informal 不必多说 the manager said he'd say no more about it if we returned the money immediately 经理说如果我们马上把钱还回去,他就不再追究 when all is said and done 说到底 it goes without saying (that …) 不用说(…) so to say 可以说 as you/they say 正如你/人们所说 so they/you say 大家都这么说/那是你说的 (claim, assert) 宣称 xuānchēng the weather forecast said it would be fine today 天气预报说今天是晴天 the rules/statutes/regulations say associate members have full voting rights 规定/条例/规章里说明准会员有完全的投票权 it is said that … 据说… he's said to be worth millions 据说他身家数百万 don't say I didn't warn you 别说我没有警告过你 don't say you forgot! 别说你忘了! to say sth for sb/sth; 替某人/某事物说某话 it says a lot for him (that …) (…)说明他很好 it doesn't say much for them (that …) (…)说明他们不怎么样 it doesn't say much for their marriage/her commitment 这说明他们的婚姻/她的承诺有问题 there's a lot to be said for sth/doing sth 某物/做某事有很多优点 that isn't saying much 那说明不了什么 to say nothing of … 更不用说… it will cost millions, to say nothing of the amount of disruption it will cause 这将花去数百万,更何况还会造成极大的混乱 (state, indicate) «writer, gesture, sign» 表达 biǎodá ; «dial» 显示 xiǎnshì the letter said nothing about any additional payments 信中没有提到额外付款 what do you think the poet is trying to say? 你认为诗人想表达什么? the music says something to me 这音乐向我传达了某种意思 say it with flowers 以花传情 [花商广告语]a card/gift can say so much 一张贺卡/一份礼物可以传达无限情谊 the sign says ‘keep off the grass’ 牌子上写着“勿踏草地” the clock says half past three 钟上的时间是3点半 what does your watch say? 你的手表几点了? that says it all 那说明了一切 that is to say that … 也就是说… this is the method we recommend, but that's not to say it's the only method 我们推荐这个方法,但并不是说这是唯一的方法 (guess) 估计 gūjì ; (conjecture) 认为 rènwéi there's no saying 很难说 it's a good bargain, I'd say 我觉得这个交易蛮划算的 (be of the opinion of) 主张 zhǔzhāng he says I should accept 他认为我应该接受 what do you say to that? 你对那件事有何想法? (assume) say (that) … 假如… jiǎrú… say you have an accident, who would look after you? 假如你出了事故,谁来照顾你呢? (admit) 承认 chéngrèn it seems very expensive, I must say 我得说这似乎很贵 (instruct, order) 告诉 gàosu she said that we were to wait here 她要我们在这里等 to say to do sth; 要求他人做某事 the man said to pay at the cash desk 那个人让我们到收银台付款 do as or what I say 照我说的做 (decide) 决定 juédìng the boss will say whether you're to go or not 老板会决定你的去留 that's not for me to say 这事不由我决定 informal (in suggestions, offers) [用于提建议]what say we go for a stroll before lunch? 我们午饭前去散个步怎么样? say I drove you to the station; would that help? 我开车送你去车站吧,这样有帮助吗? B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle said informal (speak) shuō says who? (sceptical) 谁说的? says you! (taunting) 你在瞎说! you don't say! 不会吧! the boss is in a bad mood again — you don't say! ironic 老板又不高兴了──不至于吧! British dated (hey) wèi [用来引出一句话]I say, that is a shame! 哎呀,太遗憾了! I say, waiter! 喂,服务员! (for example) 比方说 bǐfang shuō you're expecting, say, 500 guests 你们需要接待,比方说,500位客人 C. noun (power to influence) 发言权 fāyánquán to have a say in sth/doing sth 在某事物/做某事上有发言权 to have a/no say in the matter 在此事上有/没有发言权 (chance to speak) 发言机会 fāyán jīhuì to have one's say 发表意见 no, let him have his say 不,让他把话说出来 D. exclamation US informal hēi [表示惊讶或提请注意]say, that's a great idea! 嘿,这个主意好极了!




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