

词汇 scarcely
scarcely | BrE ˈskɛːsli, AmE ˈskɛrsli | adverb (barely) 几乎不 jīhū bù know, changed, recognize, rememberscarcely (big) enough 勉强够(大) it scarcely matters 那没什么要紧 she could scarcely believe her eyes 她几乎不敢相信自己的眼睛 he was scarcely more than a child 他还是个孩子 scarcely at all 几乎从不 (only just) 刚一…就 gāng yī… jiù scarcely had she finished when the door opened 她刚做完,门就开了 ironic (not really) 根本不 gēnběn bù you can scarcely expect me to … 你压根儿别指望我… that's scarcely the point 那根本不是重点 (rarely) 很少 hěn shǎo I scarcely ever see him these days 我现在难得见到他




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