

词汇 speed
speed | BrE spiːd, AmE spid | A. noun countable and uncountable (rate of movement or action) 速度 sùdù ; (quickness of movement) 快速 kuàisù with (great) speed 快速地 speed of hand 变换手法的速度 with the speed of light/an arrow 以光速/离弦之箭般 to gather or build up or pick up speed 加速 jiāsù to reduce or drop one's speed 减速 high or great speed 高速 at speed 快速地 to put on a burst of speed 突然加速 with lightning speed 以闪电般的速度 to have a (good) turn of speed 能突然加速 with all speed 以全速 to make all speed 全速前进 full speed ahead! 全速前进! at a speed of 150 mph 以150英里的时速 trains travelling at speeds in excess of 150 mph 以超过150英里时速行驶的火车 the speed of light/sound 光速/音速 an aircraft with a maximum or top speed of 300 mph 最高时速为300英里的飞机 an average/a steady speed of … …的平均速度/匀速 at breakneck speed 以危险的速度 to be up to speed informal (fully informed, up to date) 了解最新情况 to bring sb up to speed informal (fully inform) 告知某人全部情况 (make perform at the required rate or level) 使某人达到应有水准 the cost of bringing the schools up to speed 使学校达标需要的费用 for speed 为了快速起见 shorthand speed 速记速度 that's about my speed US 这才合我的心愿 countable Photography (sensitivity) 感光度 gǎnguāngdù ; (time) 快门速度 kuàimén sùdù to take photographs at a speed of … 以…的快门速度拍照 uncountable informal (drug) 安非他明 ānfēitāmíng countable (gear) (of bicycle) 变速器 biànsùqì ; US (of motor vehicle) 排挡 páidǎng a car with five forward speeds 有五个前进挡的汽车 a ten-speed bicycle 十速自行车 a three-speed gear 三挡变速器 B. intransitive verb past tense, past participle sped 快速前行 kuàisù qiánxíng to speed along sth 沿着某物快速移动 to speed past sth 从某物旁边疾驰而过 the car sped along the road 汽车在路上疾驰 to speed on one's way 疾驰上路 we got into the car and sped home 我们上了车,疾驰回家 to speed to the rescue 急驰前往救援 the hours sped by figurative 时间飞逝 past tense, past participle speeded (drive too fast) 超速行驶 chāosù xíngshǐ to be caught speeding 超速驾车被抓 C. transitive verb past tense, past participle speeded or sped (make quicker) 加快…的速度 jiākuài… de sùdù workto speed sb's recovery 加快某人的康复 (take quickly) 快速运送 kuàisù yùnsòng passenger, freightthe taxi sped us into the city centre 出租车把我们急送到了市中心 PHRASAL VERB speed up past tense, past participle speeded A. intransitive verb 加速 jiāsù work has speeded up 工作已经加快了速度 B. transitive verb [speed sth up, speed up sth] 加快…的速度 jiākuài… de sùdù to speed up the introduction of sth 加快引入某物 output must be speeded up 必须加快产出 can you speed things up a bit? 你们能不能做事快一点?




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