

词汇 penalize
penalize | BrE ˈpiːn(ə)lʌɪz, AmE ˈpin(ə)lˌaɪz,ˈpɛn(ə)lˌaɪz | transitive verb (punish, award penalty) 处罚 chǔfá person, competitor, teamdrunk drivers should be heavily penalized 醉酒驾车者应予以重罚 the offending player was penalized with a yellow card Sport 那位犯规的球员被判罚黄牌 to be penalized for sth; 因…受处罚 crime, misconducthe was penalized for the offence by removal of privileges 他因犯规被罚免除特殊待遇 (impose penalty for) 处罚 chǔfá offence, rudenessthe referee failed to penalize this foul play 裁判没有处罚这次犯规 (disadvantage) 使处于不利地位 shǐ chǔyú bùlì dìwèi a law that penalizes the poor 对穷人不利的法律 Law «parliament, government, law» 宣布…可处罚 xuānbù… kě chǔfá act




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